So this is a follow-up. I claimed that 1 CPU core can saturate the memory
but it turns out I was wrong, at least to some extend. Driven by curiosity
I decided to do some measurements and test my somewhat older MBP 2.2GHz
Inter Core i7. While it obviously all depends on the hardware, I thought
Thanks Adam
(def applet (new PApplet)) -> (def ^PApplet (new PApplet)) results in
amazing speed!
And, quil certainly uses these type hints, sorry.
In this trouble, I learned the principle of using type hints for much java
method call.
Ideally I wish clojure compiler may automatically add type
What about memoizing (clojure.core/memoize) the function that creates the
- James
On 29 March 2014 11:36, wrote:
> Hi all,
> maybe someone here can point me to the right direction. I have a large
> lookup tree (millions of entries), but the values in the leafs don't
> contain much in
I did not set the hierarchy
I will give that a whirl
On Saturday, March 29, 2014 1:07:40 PM UTC-5, Chris Shellenbarger wrote:
> Did you move it to the corresponding directory structure? So,
> com.example.mystuff would need a directory hierarchy like
> com/example/mystuf
Hi Brian,
clojure.test.check does not currently ship with any concurrency support.
That being said, I've been working an implementation on Erlang's PULSE,
which I hope to have usable in the next couple months [1][2]. John's talk
touches on using state machines to test concurrent code, which is
Nice! I hadn't seen that before.
Thank you both.
On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Jonas wrote:
> You could give core.rrb-vector[1]. From the docs:
> The main API entry points are clojure.core.rrb-vector/catvec,
> performing vector concatenation, and clojure.core.rrb-vector/subvec, which
You could give core.rrb-vector[1]. From the docs:
The main API entry points are clojure.core.rrb-vector/catvec,
performing vector concatenation, and clojure.core.rrb-vector/subvec, which
produces a new vector containing the appropriate subrange of the input
vector (in contrast to clojure.co
On Mar 29, 2014, at 9:39 AM, Sam Ritchie wrote:
> defadt defines an algebraic data type - so, imagine a record with a finite
> number of implementations (Boolean is an algebraic data type since it only
> has "true" and "false", for example. Chess pieces would be another one.)
> Once you defin
If you do a (count @mem) it reports the length of the atom's vector isn't
growing without bounds. It seems counterintuitive that the parts of the
old vector wouldn't get garbage collected because the atom no longer points
to them. But I guess I need to rtfd.
Thank you.
On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at
Did you move it to the corresponding directory structure? So,
com.example.mystuff would need a directory hierarchy like com/example/mystuff.
The mystuff directory is where you need to put your java files that are in the
com.example.mystuff package.
You received this message because you ar
defadt defines an algebraic data type - so, imagine a record with a
finite number of implementations (Boolean is an algebraic data type
since it only has "true" and "false", for example. Chess pieces would be
another one.)
Once you define an ADT you can use that contrib library's "match" macro
Hi all,
maybe someone here can point me to the right direction. I have a large
lookup tree (millions of entries), but the values in the leafs don't
contain much information. That is, the number of unique values stored in
leafs is rather small, same values are used over and over again. I load th
On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Ryan Waters wrote:
> I have some code that blows up the heap and I'm not sure why. I've
> reduced it down to the following.
> I've tried to make sure the atom doesn't have boundless growth and I
> didn't think 'while' hangs on to the head of sequences so I'm e
Have you got type hints? If you do a java method call on something which
isn't type hinted then clojure has to use reflection to look up a list of
the available methods, which is slw. If however you tell it what type
you expect it to be, it can better optimise it. So in the above code you
I have some code that blows up the heap and I'm not sure why. I've reduced
it down to the following.
I've tried to make sure the atom doesn't have boundless growth and I didn't
think 'while' hangs on to the head of sequences so I'm embarrassed to say
I'm stumped.
(defn leaks-memory
Ooo.. and Ah-ha! That's (almost) exactly what I was thinking of, and will
work very nicely.
I was thinking that I could just use a macro in the place of ~@ and somehow
avoid the initial quote.
Thank you..
On Saturday, 29 March 2014 20:20:57 UTC+10:30, Jozef Wagner wrote:
> Well you can alway
Well you can always abuse syntax quote :)
user=> `[:first :second ~@(for [x (range 1 5)] {:name (keyword (str
"third-" x))})]
[:first :second {:name :third-1} {:name :third-2} {:name :third-3} {:name
On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Paul Schulz wrote:
> Hi Jozef,
> Thank y
Thx Niels, that works!
2014-03-29 0:46 GMT+01:00 Niels van Klaveren :
> Its a problem with writing to a temp folder. Run Ccw as admin, or take a
> look at the counterclockwise group for a solution that doesn't need that.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Hi Jozef,
Thank you.
I was hoping for a syntax that I could use inside the structure (similarly
to the way that huccup supports embedded 'for' in HTML definitions).
On Saturday, 29 March 2014 19:53:06 UTC+10:30, Jozef Wagner wrote:
> How about using 'into'?
> (into [:first :second] (for [x
Ray, David, Aaron, Phil, dgrnbrg:
Understood. Thanks for clarifying my misunderstandings!
On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:39 AM, dgrnbrg wrote:
> Voom is a Lein plugin that lets you depend on a repository and pins you to a
> specific commit. It also provides tools manage systems spanning multiple
How about using 'into'?
(into [:first :second] (for [x (range 1 5)] {:name (keyword (str "third-"
On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Paul Schulz wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a vector definition (containing maps), where a lot of them are very
> similar.
> eg.
> [ :first
Hi All
I'm writing graphic clojure code with Processing jars.
When I wrote heavy draw code, I found clojure code is slower than an
equivalent of java.
Probably, the cause is java method call.
I call processing drawing method thousands times per one frame.
(.line applet x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2)
So de
I have a vector definition (containing maps), where a lot of them are very
[ :first
{:name :third-1}
{:name :third-2}
I would like to use something like the following to replace the iterated
(for [x (range 1 2)]
{:name (keyword (str "thir
23 matches
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