Re: Om: trouble with goog reference

2014-02-27 Thread boz
Hopefully it's helpful. :) Here's a branch with the completed Basic tutorial. The commit log for the branch follows the Basic Tutorial. I still need to relaunch Cider occasionally. Basically every time

Re: [ANN] Sente - Clojure(Script) + core.async + WebSockets/Ajax

2014-02-27 Thread Peter Taoussanis
Quick addendum: I've had a few folks ask about various security implementations. So first up - as I mention in the REAME, I have had to make some changes to the codebase for the public release so I wouldn't quite trust anything pre-1.0 in production just yet (there's likely at least minor bugs)

Re: Image processing

2014-02-27 Thread
Hi Michael, Got some good results on img processing tests. I got image resizer working nice, it was a resource path issue. However after some side by side testing with graphicmagick, I found imgscalr outputs files at a 30% to 50% larger file size. About 30% on larger dimensions, 50% on thumbna

Re: Do you recommend the book: "Web Development with Clojure"

2014-02-27 Thread Mark Engelberg
It's worth noting that the new Clojure Cookbook also has a chapter that goes over the basics of Clojure web development. If you already are quite comfortable with Clojure and don't need to see a lot of extended examples, the Cookbook chapter covers much of the same ground as the Clojure Web Develo

Re: Database migrations

2014-02-27 Thread Chris Kuttruff
Reginald, clearly late to the game on this thread :) but figured I'd share a project that I created recently ( clj-sql-up ). It is a leiningen plugin that is dead simple to use, and it doesn't try to over-abstract, but it also allows for dynamic sql generation since it runs from the context of

Re: Do you recommend the book: "Web Development with Clojure"

2014-02-27 Thread Hari Krishnan
My experience.. 1. It is a well written book. You will have to read sequentially. 2. Prior knowledge of clojure is required -- list, vector, map, let etc. (Or at least review the clojure summary at the back first). 3. Since I knew Rails before, a lot of the concepts seemed to be straight fo

Re: Uberjar woes

2014-02-27 Thread Tom Connors
Hi Sam, thanks a lot for responding. Here's my project.clj: On Thursday, February 27, 2014 2:49:38 PM UTC-5, Tom Connors wrote: > > Hi Everyone, > I've been having trouble creating an uberjar of a project and I'm hoping > someone here can point me towar

Re: Macro writing macro fails with CLJS

2014-02-27 Thread Karsten Schmidt
Just to follow up on this & a note for future reference: I could get my original macro to work in both dialects by just syntax quoting the passed in arguments and I've also pushed out a first release of the mini-library this is all meant for...

Re: Uberjar woes

2014-02-27 Thread Sam Ritchie
Hey Tom, Can you post your project.clj for us to take a peek? Tom Connors February 27, 2014 12:49 PM Hi Everyone, I've been having trouble creating an uberjar of a project and I'm hoping someone here can point me toward a solution. After cleaning out the target d

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread larry google groups
Okay, everything works now. Apparently that last problem had something to do with differences between OpenJDK and the SunJDK. I have: java -version openjdk version "1.7.0-ea" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-ea-b222) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode) I don't recall w

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.6.0-beta2

2014-02-27 Thread Alex Miller
That first line should be 1.6.0-beta2 of course. :) On Thursday, February 27, 2014 5:37:15 PM UTC-5, Alex Miller wrote: > > Clojure 1.6.0-beta1 is now available. > > Try it via > - Download: > > - Leiningen: [org.clojure/clojure

[ANN] Clojure 1.6.0-beta2

2014-02-27 Thread Alex Miller
Clojure 1.6.0-beta1 is now available. Try it via - Download: - Leiningen: [org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0-beta2"] See the full change log here: Clojure 1.6.0-beta2 has the fol

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread larry google groups
I found this: So I changed this: imgtype (java.awt.image.BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_ARGB) to this: imgtype (java.awt.image.BufferedImage/TYPE_3BYTE_BGR) and that worked for one image. The next image d

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread larry google groups
Thanks for the tip about imagez. I wanted to get something basic working today, but I'll give imagez a look tomorrow. As for now, I feel like I should not give up till I have figured out what the problem is. On Thursday, February 27, 2014 5:17:20 PM UTC-5, Aaron Cohen wrote: > > This is going

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread Aaron Cohen
You definitely don't want a period in your format string. Why are you calling(.drawImage g img 0 0 width height nil). What's the nil for? I'd try dropping it. On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 5:17 PM, larry google groups <> wrote: > and if I look here: > > http://www.mkyong

Re: [GSoC]: How to participate

2014-02-27 Thread Daniel Solano Gómez
On Thu Feb 27 13:04 2014, Максим Карандашов wrote: > Hello, all. > > I would like to take part in GSOC 2014 > And after talking to a mentor I have next questions: > > 1. Does the community some particular proposal form for students? We do have some student application guidelines up on the wiki [

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread Aaron Cohen
This is going to result in a pretty ugly thumbnail because you're missing the hints java needs to do high quality resizing. Java's shrinking also doesn't really have a nice smoothing mode. I'd actually recommend you look into It has a resize function in core which

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread larry google groups
and if I look here: I see this example: ImageIO.write(image, "jpg",new File("C:\\out.jpg")); ImageIO.write(image, "gif",new File("C:\\out.gif")); ImageIO.write(image, "png",new File("C:\\out.p

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread larry google groups
I wanted to see what Format strings I am allowed, so at the repl: user> (import 'javax.imageio.ImageIO) javax.imageio.ImageIO user> (require '[clojure.pprint :as pp]) user> (pp/pprint (javax.imageio.ImageIO/getReaderFormatNames))["BMP", "bmp", "jpg", "JPG", "wbmp", "jpeg", "png", "JPEG", "PNG

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread larry google groups
Hmm, I made it a little further. Now I am trying to write a thumbnail to disk. I have copied the code from StackOverflow. I am using this function: (defn make-thumbnail [filename path-to-new-file-including-file-name width] {:pre [(= (type filename) java.lang.String) (fs/exists? filen

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread larry google groups
Ah, I see what happened. There was a Microsoft Word document in my folder of images. It was causing the problems. I had no error handling for non-images. On Thursday, February 27, 2014 3:52:09 PM UTC-5, Aaron Cohen wrote: > > On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 3:44 PM, larry google groups > > > wrote

Uberjar woes

2014-02-27 Thread Tom Connors
Hi Everyone, I've been having trouble creating an uberjar of a project and I'm hoping someone here can point me toward a solution. After cleaning out the target directory (with "lein clean") and preprocessing my cljx, I can run the project with no trouble using lein repl and lein run. I can pack

Re: [GSoC]: How to participate

2014-02-27 Thread Максим Карандашов
Hello, all. I would like to take part in GSOC 2014 And after talking to a mentor I have next questions: 1. Does the community some particular proposal form for students? 2. Are there any formal requirements for students? (like fix bug in bug tracker of some project of community) -- You receive

Re: Found some unexpected behavior to me

2014-02-27 Thread David Nolen
Fixed in 1.6. David On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 3:50 PM, Brent Millare wrote: > Clojure 1.5.1 > > user=> (defprotocol IEmit (-emit [x])) > IEmit > > user=> (defrecord css [y] IEmit (-emit [_] y)) > user.css > > user=> (-emit (->css 3)) > 3 > > user=> (map -emit [(->css 3)]) > IllegalArgumentExcepti

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread Aaron Cohen
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 3:44 PM, larry google groups <> wrote: > I tried this too: > > (ns tma-make-thumbnails.make-images > (:import >(java.util UUID) >(javax.imageio ImageIO) >(java.awt.image BufferedImage) >(javax.imageio ImageReader)) > > > > (defn g

Found some unexpected behavior to me

2014-02-27 Thread Brent Millare
Clojure 1.5.1 user=> (defprotocol IEmit (-emit [x])) IEmit user=> (defrecord css [y] IEmit (-emit [_] y)) user.css user=> (-emit (->css 3)) 3 user=> (map -emit [(->css 3)]) IllegalArgumentException No matching field found: emit for class user.css clojure.lang.Reflector.getInstanceField (Refle

Re: Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread larry google groups
I tried this too: (ns tma-make-thumbnails.make-images (:import (java.util UUID) (javax.imageio ImageIO) (java.awt.image BufferedImage) (javax.imageio ImageReader)) (defn get-file-as-image [filename] {:pre [(= (type filename) java.lang.String) (fs/exists? filename)

Why do I have to register an ImageReader?

2014-02-27 Thread larry google groups
I have no background with Java so I tend to suffer pain when dealing with it. I am trying to create a thumbnail for an image, but my code dies on the :post assertion of this function: (defn get-file-as-image [filename] {:pre [(= (type filename) java.lang.String) (fs/exists? filename)

[ANN] ILC 2014 call for papers reminder

2014-02-27 Thread Marc Feeley
ILC 2014 - International Lisp Conference "Lisp on the Move" August 14-17 2014, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada Sponsored by the Association of Lisp Users Scope: Lisp is one of the greatest ideas from computer scie

Re: Om: trouble with goog reference

2014-02-27 Thread David Nolen
Many thanks for taking the time to implement & share your solution! David On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 1:40 PM, boz wrote: > Hi David, Clifford, > > I'm pretty sure Clifford is using the Cider version from > Mimmo. > I've got a fork of > it

Re: Om: trouble with goog reference

2014-02-27 Thread boz
... should have mentioned, in case it's not obvious, I got through the basic tutorial using my fork of Mimmo's excellent work. ,chris (aka boz) On Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:40:23 AM UTC-8, boz wrote: > > Hi David, Clifford, > > I'm pretty sure Clifford is using the Cider version from > Mimm

Re: Om: trouble with goog reference

2014-02-27 Thread boz
Hi David, Clifford, I'm pretty sure Clifford is using the Cider version from Mimmo. I've got a fork of itwith updates so it work with Om 0.5.0 and React 0.9.0 that I've used to get throug

Problem with nREPL handle* function

2014-02-27 Thread Jony Hudson
Hi Folks, I'm stuck and would like a bit of help. This is following on from a question I posted to, but I've reduced the problem to its essence, and figure it might get a few more eyes on it here. My apologies to anyone who has to suffer reading about it twice :-) My actual prob

[ANN] clojure.test.check (previously, simple-check)

2014-02-27 Thread Reid Draper
I'm happy to announce the first release of the newest Clojure contrib library: test.check [1]. Previously named simple-check [1], test.check is a property-based testing library, based on QuickCheck. The README has a guide for migrating from simple-check, as well as some getting-started documentat

Re: [ANN] clojure.test.check (previously, simple-check)

2014-02-27 Thread Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
Congrats! Ambrose On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 1:22 AM, Reid Draper wrote: > I'm happy to announce the first release of the newest Clojure contrib > library: > test.check [1]. Previously named simple-check [1], test.check is a > property-based testing library, based on QuickCheck. The README has a

Re: Help with data structures and dereferencing

2014-02-27 Thread Robert Quinn
That does help. thanks for the link. good to get feedback, I figured there's no magic bullet but didn't want to go to far down a path without soliciting advice. I'm going to try a few things, keep it simple and see how it holds up. thanks again dave On Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:43:32

[ANN] lein-modules 0.2.0

2014-02-27 Thread Jim Crossley
What is lein-modules? A leiningen plugin providing support for project aggregation, letting you define parent-child relationships between projects to achieve interdependence-based build ordering, project inheritance based on leiningen profiles, and centralized dependency management. What's in thi

[ANN] jetty9-websockets-async - A servlet implementation

2014-02-27 Thread ToBeReplaced
Hi, Presenting a `javax.http.servlet.HttpServlet` for offloading WebSocket communication onto `core.async` channels: Note that this implements a `WebSocketServlet` using Jetty9 for the handshakes. The resulting servlet can be used by any w

Re: object identity

2014-02-27 Thread Andy Fingerhut
I will mention a case that I wasn't thinking about when I wrote my previous message in this thread. If one is commonly dealing with tree-like data structures, e.g. maps that contains maps as keys or values, which in turn contain other maps, or vectors, or sets, etc., it is relatively trivial in Cl

Re: Help with data structures and dereferencing

2014-02-27 Thread Dave Della Costa
Hi Robert, I completely understand the desire to structure your code in a way that isolates business logic. It's something I struggle with all the time and I think it's not simple when you're shifting from thinking in an OO way (as you and I and so many folks are) to thinking more functionally ab

Re: problem catching exceptions in webapp

2014-02-27 Thread Immo Heikkinen
(assert false) throws AssertionError which doesn't extend Exception and therefore is not caught. :: Immo 2014-02-27 13:42 GMT+02:00 Wei Hsu : > I'm having trouble catching exceptions in my Compojure web app. Made a > small test case to illustrate the issue: >

Re: Is there a function to determine if code is run as script or library ?

2014-02-27 Thread GeekyCoder
Hi, Aaron, Rob thank for the reply. I actually thinking that something that is straightforward and less involving (without daemon or lein). What happen is that I like to write a script in intellij editor, and then choose run, clojure will check for main function in current file , and invoke

Re: Om: trouble with goog reference

2014-02-27 Thread David Nolen
Your markup needs to look something like:";> goog.require("om_ho.core"); HTH, David On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:26 AM, cig wrote: > Hi David > > I tried changing :advanced mode to :whitespace mode. My index.html file > looks as follows: > > > > >

Re: Comparing classes in case statement

2014-02-27 Thread Jan Herich
>From official clojure documentation: "The test-constants are not evaluated. They must be compile-time literals" Dňa štvrtok, 27. februára 2014 14:03:04 UTC+1 Markus Bader napísal(-a): > > Hello, > > if I am not too dumb, it seems that comparing for classes does not work in > case statements, li

Comparing classes in case statement

2014-02-27 Thread Markus Bader
Hello, if I am not too dumb, it seems that comparing for classes does not work in case statements, like: => (class '(1 2 3)) clojure.lang.PersistentList => (case (class '(1 2 3)) clojure.lang.PersistentList :amazing :so-sad) :so-sad I do not need a workaround - that is already

Re: [ANN] Sente - Clojure(Script) + core.async + WebSockets/Ajax

2014-02-27 Thread Peter Taoussanis
@Base This looks great! can't wait to try it out. > Well done. Much appreciated, hope it's useful :-) @edbond Thanks. Can you compare sente with chord? Sure, I can try - have never actually used Chord though (it wasn't around when I wrote Sente's predecessor) - so I can only comment supe

Re: [ANN] Sente - Clojure(Script) + core.async + WebSockets/Ajax

2014-02-27 Thread edbond
Thanks. Can you compare sente with chord? On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 3:57:24 PM UTC+2, Peter Taoussanis wrote: > > Hi folks, > > Quick post to announce a new lib release: > > > From the README: > *Sente* is small client+server library that makes it easy t

problem catching exceptions in webapp

2014-02-27 Thread Wei Hsu
I'm having trouble catching exceptions in my Compojure web app. Made a small test case to illustrate the issue: Could you take a look and spot what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, Wei -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gro

Re: Om: trouble with goog reference

2014-02-27 Thread cig
Hi David I tried changing :advanced mode to :whitespace mode. My index.html file looks as follows:";> my project.clj file looks as follows: (defproject om-ho "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" :description "FIXME: write description" :url "http://example.c

'lein pom' and 'mvn package'

2014-02-27 Thread Paul Smith
Hi, Through restrictions, I am prevented from using Leiningen on the CI server and I am attempting to package Clojure through Maven. I have a core.clj with a (:gen-class) in the namespace and a (-main). My project.clj includes a :main and :aot with the value of the main namespace. I can 'lein u

Re: Comparing Regular Expression pattens for equality?

2014-02-27 Thread Thomas
Thanks guys, Shame that it doesn't work that way. I've worked around it as suggested below. Thomas -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are mo