Re: clojure dependencies

2013-04-26 Thread Sean Corfield
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 5:04 PM, jayvandal wrote: > I have this code. > (defproject jsql "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" > :description "FIXME: write" > :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]]) That would be your project.clj file, in a Leiningen-created project folder. When you run: lein repl Leini

ANN: Strange Loop 2013 CFP

2013-04-26 Thread Alex Miller
Strange Loop is a developer-focused conference that encompasses past (the history of computing), present (deep dives on today's technology), and future (what's next). Strange Loop will take place in St. Louis from Sept 18-20th. The Strange Loop 2013 Call for Presentations is now open! https:/

clojure dependencies

2013-04-26 Thread jayvandal
I have this code. (defproject jsql "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "FIXME: write" :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]])(use ' My question is where do the dependencies locate? I would put the files in the c:\clojure-1.4.0 How does clojure know where they are? Are the

Re: What Slows Down clojure-hadoop?

2013-04-26 Thread Ji Zhang
Hi Gary, Thanks for the correction. It was a spur-of-the-moment statement. And I find out that when reusing JVM, Clojure also needs to be paid attention to. For instance, I define an atom in the mapper namespace to use as a counter. It turns out that the next mapper task run in this JVM will in

Re: Image analysis library recommendations

2013-04-26 Thread Mikera
Maybe my hobby project Clisk can be of some use: It's Clojure based and geared towards image generation but does have some capabilities for image analysis and processing, particularly if you are interesting in warping / filtering etc. On Wednesday, 24 April 20

Re: noob question about try/catch

2013-04-26 Thread Sean Corfield
What does your code look like that queries MySQL? The above code writes to MongoDB which is not going to throw SQLException anyway. On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 8:01 AM, larry google groups wrote: > > I wrote a simple app that gets my data out of an old mysql database and puts > it into mongodb. I hav

Re: Image analysis library recommendations

2013-04-26 Thread fmjrey
I recently came across BoofCV (, an all Java library that is still being developed but looks already well featured. Never tried it though, let us know how that goes if you do. Cheers On Tuesday, April 23, 2013 8:54:20 PM UTC+2, Nils Blum-Oeste wrote: >

[ANN] Immutant 0.10.0 released

2013-04-26 Thread Jim Crossley
Well, we had hoped to begin our 1.0 beta cycle with this release, but we decided we changed enough stuff that we wanted to put out one more alpha first, mainly because we think it's wrong to introduce any API changes with the first beta. The details of what we changed are here:

Re: [ANN] hamelito - bringing haml to enlive

2013-04-26 Thread Gabriel Horner
Nice work! Happy to see you exercising haml-spec. Will definitely be using this next time I reach for a templating library. On Friday, April 26, 2013 10:46:32 AM UTC-4, Ragnar Dahlén wrote: > > Hello, > > I'd like to announce the availability of hamelito, a clojure library > allowing you to use a

Re: cannot read foo.xml from the top level of a jar!

2013-04-26 Thread Softaddicts
Have a look at this code. It might shed some light on your problem. We are using it with 1.3 but it should work under 1.5.x Feel free to copy it and try it, it's standalone without dependencies other than Clojure. As far as

Re: What Slows Down clojure-hadoop?

2013-04-26 Thread Gary Trakhman
this doesn't quite make sense: "Since Clojure is well-known for its concurrency feature, running in the same JVM should be out of question." All the concurrency features built in to clojure are concerned with things that happen in the same process, unless you consider things like 'making it easier

Re: cannot read foo.xml from the top level of a jar!

2013-04-26 Thread Jim - FooBar();
tried both... nothing worked... :( Jim On 26/04/13 20:16, Jonathan Fischer Friberg wrote: Did you put "/" at the beginning of the string to resource? Because you shouldn't. You should call it like this: (resource "foo.xml"). Jonathan On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 8:47 PM, Jim - FooBar();

Re: cannot read foo.xml from the top level of a jar!

2013-04-26 Thread Jonathan Fischer Friberg
Did you put "/" at the beginning of the string to resource? Because you shouldn't. You should call it like this: (resource "foo.xml"). Jonathan On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 8:47 PM, Jim - FooBar(); wrote: > Hello everyone, > > I hope you're all doing well... > > Can anyone enlighten my as to why I

Re: Image analysis library recommendations

2013-04-26 Thread Herwig Hochleitner
Maybe the opencv stack can do something for you: It's got java bindings. cheers 2013/4/26 Nils Blum-Oeste > Thx Cedric! > > Indeed I am using ClojureJVM. Getting images from filesystem isn't a big > deal. Of course javax.imageio does a good job here, like you said! > Also I

cannot read foo.xml from the top level of a jar!

2013-04-26 Thread Jim - FooBar();
Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well... Can anyone enlighten my as to why I cannot read anything from the top directory of a jar? The jar in question is on the classpath and the foo.xml file is located at the top directory...tries tried .getResourceAsStream f

login with friend, but username blank, despite keyword-params middleware in place

2013-04-26 Thread larry google groups
I have tried putting (friend/authenticate) at the beginning and end of this block: (def app (-> app-routes (wrap-session {:cookie-name "timeout-session" :cookie-attrs {:max-age 90}}) (wrap-cookies) (wrap-multipart-params) (wrap-params) (wrap-nested-params)

Re: Reducers newbie question

2013-04-26 Thread Jim - FooBar();
+1 ! I use 'fold-into-vec' regularly :) Jim On 26/04/13 18:07, Alan Busby wrote: Some additional pointers here (this is a little old though); On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 11:51 PM, László Török >

Re: Reducers newbie question

2013-04-26 Thread Alan Busby
Some additional pointers here (this is a little old though); On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 11:51 PM, László Török wrote: > Hi, > > Not sure what you are trying to do, but xxx is a lazy seq, thus it can > only be consumed sequentia

Re: Image analysis library recommendations

2013-04-26 Thread Nils Blum-Oeste
Thx Cedric! Indeed I am using ClojureJVM. Getting images from filesystem isn't a big deal. Of course javax.imageio does a good job here, like you said! Also I am not intersted (yet) in meta information of the images. My concern about image IO was more about not having to transform back and fort

Re: Image analysis library recommendations

2013-04-26 Thread Nils Blum-Oeste
I had a look at incanter/processing meanwhile. But this does not offer very much for image analysis. However processing will become useful to modify/render images. Next I am going to evaluate OpenCV which recently got Java bindings. Setting it up wasn't as straight forward as I thought but in t

conform to interface for related multi-methods?

2013-04-26 Thread Steven Degutis
I found that I want to have multiple multi-methods, but grouped together, much like an interface. Specifically, I have already-existing objects, which I want to call the method on, so just like defmulti/defmethod. But I basically want to group several of them together since they're very related, m

Re: noob question about try/catch

2013-04-26 Thread Michael Gardner
On Apr 26, 2013, at 11:55 , Michael Gardner wrote: > I believe Clojure is wrapping the java.sql.SQLException in a > java.lang.RuntimeException because of reasons[1][2], so you'd need to catch > java.lang.RuntimeException and examine the exception's cause property to get > the "real" exception.

Re: noob question about try/catch

2013-04-26 Thread Michael Gardner
On Apr 26, 2013, at 10:01 , larry google groups wrote: > java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot convert value > '-00-00 00:00:00' from column 6 to TIMESTAMP. I believe Clojure is wrapping the java.sql.SQLException in a java.lang.RuntimeException because of reasons[1][2]

Re: noob question about try/catch

2013-04-26 Thread larry google groups
> See , you're still responsible for the > logic in the catch to ignore the exception. But I have caught the exceptions, so why do they kill my app? You link to this, which does not answer the question: "The exprs are evaluated and, if no exceptions occ

Re: growing a rest json/xml api

2013-04-26 Thread Thomas
this page seems to have an answer to your question: haven't tried it my self though. Thomas On Thursday, April 25, 2013 4:21:28 AM UTC+1, Jorge Urdaneta wrote: > > Hi, can you point me

Re: What Slows Down clojure-hadoop?

2013-04-26 Thread Ji Zhang
Hi, I believe I can confirm that it's the startup time issue. I set mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks=-1 and the overall time is approximate to the pure java one. The best mapper task is the same time, 3sec. Before it is 10sec. The lowest task's difference is still 12sec (21sec - 9 sec). Since Cl

Re: noob question about try/catch

2013-04-26 Thread George Oliver
On Friday, April 26, 2013 8:01:45 AM UTC-7, larry google groups wrote: > > > I thought I had written the try/catch blog so that this exception would be > logged, but otherwise ignored. > > Instead, this exception stops my app cold -- the app stops. > > > See

noob question about try/catch

2013-04-26 Thread larry google groups
I wrote a simple app that gets my data out of an old mysql database and puts it into mongodb. I have this function: (defn add-this-record-to-mongo [db record item-type] (println (str (:user db))) (println (str item-type)) (try (let [record (assoc record :item-type item-type)

Re: Reducers newbie question

2013-04-26 Thread László Török
Hi, Not sure what you are trying to do, but xxx is a lazy seq, thus it can only be consumed sequentially and fold falls back to reduce You need a vector. Las Sent from my phone On Apr 26, 2013 4:46 PM, "Stanislav Yurin" wrote: > I was assuming that following code will fold in parallel, but it

[ANN] hamelito - bringing haml to enlive

2013-04-26 Thread Ragnar Dahlén
Hello, I'd like to announce the availability of hamelito, a clojure library allowing you to use a subset of haml ( with enlive ( The source code is available under the EPL and is hosted at: Artifacts are pub

Reducers newbie question

2013-04-26 Thread Stanislav Yurin
I was assuming that following code will fold in parallel, but it is reduced sequentially (require '[clojure.core.reducers :as r]) (defn test1 [x] (Thread/sleep 1000) (println (str "Finished:" x)) x) (def xxx (r/map test1 (range 100))) (r/fold + xxx) What am I doing wrong? Thanks. -- -- You

Re: Aw: Re: How to convert a VTK example from java to clojure?

2013-04-26 Thread Aaron Cohen
You no longer need any of this. All you should need is to use (clojure.lang.RT/loadLibrary "vtk") That will ensure that the native libs end up in the correct classloader. On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 3:46 AM, Nils Blum-Oeste wrote: > Great, thanks a lot. Fixed the issues I had. > However I wonder wh

Re: Any tools that find all unused (:require [:refer]) in project?

2013-04-26 Thread Steven Degutis
Very cool, and just what I need. Too bad it doesn't work. After using it, I get lots of java.lang.ClassNotFoundException when I try running my code. It's stripping away (:require [some.used.packages]) completely. Looks like Phil's probably just been too busy to keep up on the github-issues for sl

Re: What Slows Down clojure-hadoop?

2013-04-26 Thread Max Penet
Right! My bad. On Friday, April 26, 2013 2:44:21 PM UTC+2, Ji Zhang wrote: > > Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, the clojure map function returns a lazy > seq, and reduce consumes it, so there's actually only one loop, right? > > On Friday, April 26, 2013 8:23:04 PM UTC+8, Max Penet wrote: >> >>

Re: What Slows Down clojure-hadoop?

2013-04-26 Thread Ji Zhang
Besides, correct me if I'm wrong, the clojure map function returns a lazy seq, and reduce consumes it, so there's actually only one loop, right? On Friday, April 26, 2013 8:23:04 PM UTC+8, Max Penet wrote: > > Hi, > > In reducer-reduce you iterate twice over the values compared to the java > ve

Re: What Slows Down clojure-hadoop?

2013-04-26 Thread Ji Zhang
Hi, The reduce is not a big problem, 'cause after all it'll only process 88 records. It's the mapper function that cost much more than the java version. One possibility I guess is that the Clojure startup time is slow. So tomorrow I'll try to reduce the mapper task count and see whether it hel

Re: What Slows Down clojure-hadoop?

2013-04-26 Thread Max Penet
Hi, In reducer-reduce you iterate twice over the values compared to the java version, once in map (just to call .get), then in reduce. There are other issues probably, but this is one of the obvious ones. On Friday, April 26, 2013 12:05:33 PM UTC+2, Ji Zhang wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm writing map

Re: Any tools that find all unused (:require [:refer]) in project?

2013-04-26 Thread Steven Degutis
Funny, I even saw that repo several times in the last few months, read the README, and still had no idea what it did. I'll look at it again, thanks. -Steven On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 7:18 AM, Herwig Hochleitner wrote: > Sounds like you are looking for Slamhound: >

Re: Any tools that find all unused (:require [:refer]) in project?

2013-04-26 Thread Herwig Hochleitner
Sounds like you are looking for Slamhound: As always, impeccably named by our own Phil Hagelberg. 2013/4/26 Steven Degutis > Not sure what to even call such a tool, so google isn't helping. I > suppose it would be kind of like Lint, but Eastwood doesn't

Re: Deploy manually created jar with lein2

2013-04-26 Thread Karsten Schmidt
Okay, since it's been a while since I last did this, I realised I'd mixed things up and `lein install/push` wasn't ever the right solution... But for future reference and those interested the correct steps for manually deploying jars are: Steps 1 & 2 from above, i.e.: 1) Create a lein project fol

Any tools that find all unused (:require [:refer]) in project?

2013-04-26 Thread Steven Degutis
Not sure what to even call such a tool, so google isn't helping. I suppose it would be kind of like Lint, but Eastwood doesn't seem to do this. -Steven -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to clojure@g

What Slows Down clojure-hadoop?

2013-04-26 Thread Ji Zhang
Hi, I'm writing map-reduce job with Clojure, yet to find that it seems to be much slower than a Jave job. So I write a simple test case, and upload to gist: At the end of code, there is execution outputs, here are some significant stats: Average time t

Deploy manually created jar with lein2

2013-04-26 Thread Karsten Schmidt
Hi all, I'm trying to repack an existing Java lib with native dependecies and deploy it to Clojars. I need to repackage the original library so that its native parts are stored in a lein compatible layout. In the past (lein 1.x era) I had no problems with that, but I just can't get this to work un

Re: core.logic: Strange behaviour when using featurec with nested feature map (bug?).

2013-04-26 Thread Martin Forsgren
Ok, ticket created: - Martin Den torsdagen den 25:e april 2013 kl. 23:56:43 UTC+2 skrev David Nolen: > > Looks like a featurec bug, please file a ticket > > > Thanks! > David > > > On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 5:53

Re: style questions -- clojure newbie

2013-04-26 Thread Andreas Liljeqvist
I agree with using the trush operator since that certainly is a pipeline. A few comments though: (fn [image] [(:size image) (:#text image)]) Can be changed to: (juxt :size :#text) I wouldn't do api/get in search, the function is much easier to test if you keep it pure. Setup unittests with ex

Re: [GSoC 2013] core.logic CLP(Prob)

2013-04-26 Thread Edmund
Fantastic - thanks for pointing these out. On Friday, 26 April 2013 08:43:07 UTC+1, Zack Maril wrote: > > Nils also wrote his work up: > > -Zack > > On Friday, April 26, 2013 6:33:55 AM UTC+4, Maximilien Rzepka wrote: >> >> For the

Re: Aw: Re: How to convert a VTK example from java to clojure?

2013-04-26 Thread Nils Blum-Oeste
Great, thanks a lot. Fixed the issues I had. However I wonder where 'wall-hack-method' lives now, as clojure-contrib has been split. This (old) thread suggests it has also been renamed to call-method!topic/clojure-dev/tKzqnJWpz-k So is this still inc

Re: [GSoC 2013] core.logic CLP(Prob)

2013-04-26 Thread Zack Maril
Nils also wrote his work up: -Zack On Friday, April 26, 2013 6:33:55 AM UTC+4, Maximilien Rzepka wrote: > > For the sake of completion ;) > > Nils Bertschinger's work > > https://group