clojurescript: var names with "-" and "_" are rendered to the same internal name (?)

2012-09-23 Thread Frank Siebenlist
The following cljs-repl session shows the issue: ClojureScript:cljs.user> (def my-var "YES") "YES" ClojureScript:cljs.user> my-var "YES" ClojureScript:cljs.user> (def my_var "NO") "NO" ClojureScript:cljs.user> my_var "NO" ClojureScript:cljs.user> my-var "NO" ClojureScript:cljs.user> (set

Re: language shootout / the phonecode study

2012-09-23 Thread Jules
The spec says if "there is no word in the dictionary that can be used in the partial encoding starting at digit k+1" then a digit can be used. Some people interpreted that as "no word from the dictionary can be used in a solution". Others interpreted that as "no word from the dictionary can be

clojurescript: *ns*, all-ns, ns-map, ns-publics, ns-* ?

2012-09-23 Thread Frank Siebenlist
Understand that there are no implementations (yet) of *ns*, all-ns, ns-map, ns-publics, ns-* for cljs, but was wondering how some of that associated info could be found at the repl or in your cljs-codeā€¦ Could I introspect the java object hierarchy to find some of that information? Thanks, Frank

clojurescript: how to use clojure.reflect/doc in the cljs-repl?

2012-09-23 Thread Frank Siebenlist
Trying to use the clojure.reflect/doc function in the cljs-repl, but I only errors" --- ClojureScript:cljs.user> (clojure.reflect/doc "clojure.reflect/doc") nil Reflection query failed. ClojureScript:cljs.user> (clojure.reflect/doc clojure.reflect.doc) nil Reflection query failed. ClojureScript

Re: Clojure Course on Coursera

2012-09-23 Thread Stefan Edlich
The community should make an own course and not wait till some god appears in coursera. If someone could host an online learning environment (Google has something new?!) we could split Clojure into 100 topics. Then we need 100 persons to produce each a 5-10 min Video. I would coordinate the 100

Re: language shootout / the phonecode study

2012-09-23 Thread Dennis Haupt
i did not need the hint to develop a correct solution. the hint just clarifies what could have been misunderstood. Am 23.09.2012 21:03, schrieb Mark Engelberg: > I agree that Odersky's version doesn't match the spec. Hint or no hint, > it doesn't look like he even attempts to address the issue of

Re: language shootout / the phonecode study

2012-09-23 Thread Mark Engelberg
I agree that Odersky's version doesn't match the spec. Hint or no hint, it doesn't look like he even attempts to address the issue of inserting single digits into the encoding. He's solving a different, somewhat simpler problem. I don't agree that the hint changes the problem statement. The ori

Re: language shootout / the phonecode study

2012-09-23 Thread Jules
As far as I can see, Odersky also doesn't follow the "hint", and hence does not pass the test cases provided with the original problem. The hint is not really a hint but rather a change to the problem. The original problem is elegant and essentially consists of inverting a clearly defined functi

Re: ANN Ritz 0.5.0

2012-09-23 Thread Timothy Washington
I was following the instructions on the ritz-nrepl page. And I get the error below, when executing the "*M-x nrepl-ritz-jack-in*" command. ... at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke( at ritz.nrepl.debug_eval$eval2289