The similarity is no accident: When you consider it, 'isa?' is a
generalized subtyping relation:
(isa? Double Number) ==> Double <: Number
(isa? ::goat ::animal) ==> ::goat <: ::animal
(isa? 1 x) ==> #{1} <: x, which makes sense if you define the value x to
mean "the set of all things e
This is cool :)
It reminds me of subtyping between maps in Typed Clojure, where
{:a 1, :b 2} <: {:a Number}
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Leif wrote:
> Hi, everybody. I reimplemented the function isa? in terms of a protocol
> Is-A.
> The reason why you would want to do t
Hi, everybody. I reimplemented the function isa? in terms of a protocol
The reason why you would want to do that is in the README at
tl;dr: One of the reasons why people are excited about predicate dispatch
is the irritation caused by the dispa
Looks like a lot of people are excited about this.
For the specific purpose of cocoa apps, can someone explain how this
is better/different than the other approaches?
There are at least 3 other projects that promise some kind of
c/objective-c interop,
Hey Adam,
> I've spent a couple of hours on this - and have run into a snag. I've got
> libgc compiling/linking with arm iOS and the Xcode project compiles cljc.c
> fine. The problem is glib. From what I've read, iOS can not use glib as it
> must be statically linked into the app - but the LGP
Just create a Reader over the file, and do something like (take-while
identity (repeatedly #(read-one-wellformed-xml-tag the-reader))). It needs
some fleshing out for boundary conditions, but I hope you get the general
On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 6:04:23 AM UTC-7, Wolodja Wentland wrote:
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 8:36 AM, George Oliver wrote:
> On Sunday, July 8, 2012 7:26:05 PM UTC-7, Karl Smeltzer wrote:
>> 3. Added :native-path "native" to my project.clj, although I'm not sure
>> this is correct or working the way I expect
> Have a look at this,
> http://sta
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Timothy Baldridge wrote:
> > Please don't bypass C! Almost all platforms have some sort of C
> compiler - it's like javascript for native platforms, instead of the web.
> With C output, I can probably get it working on iOS
> The same is true for LLVM. There's n
> Please don't bypass C! Almost all platforms have some sort of C compiler -
> it's like javascript for native platforms, instead of the web. With C
> output, I can probably get it working on iOS
The same is true for LLVM. There's no reason why LLVM can't target iOS.
You received
Hi Mark:
I've spent a couple of hours on this - and have run into a snag. I've
got libgc compiling/linking with arm iOS and the Xcode project compiles
cljc.c fine. The problem is glib. From what I've read, iOS can not use
glib as it must be statically linked into the app - but the LGPL doesn't
My company is looking to hire a haskell/clojure developer. South California
(San Dimas), full time job, local only (no telecommute)
We use yesod (haskell web framework) for internal web application and
web services, and compojure (clojure web framework) for customer
facing web site.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your input (and all your work on Carbonite)- much appreciated!
1) buffer reuse - reusing cached ThreadLocal byte[] for converting from
> data to bytes is a nice trick and made possible in most serialization libs
> but I don't that's possible in the current code.
I experim
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Praki wrote:
> Hi,
> The javascript code generated for the following clojurescript is wrong. The
> problem is, if the protocol name is hyphenated, the generated name is
> treating that as an arithmetic expression rather than translating the hyphen
> to underscor
The javascript code generated for the following clojurescript is wrong. The
problem is, if the protocol name is hyphenated, the generated name is
treating that as an arithmetic expression rather than translating the
hyphen to underscore. The git tag of clojurescript is r1443.
I am not very
On Sunday, July 8, 2012 7:26:05 PM UTC-7, Karl Smeltzer wrote:
> 3. Added :native-path "native" to my project.clj, although I'm not sure
> this is correct or working the way I expect
Have a look at this,
If you are serializing data, then using the reader implies serializing to a
string (by printing your data) and reading it from a string. It should be
obvious that marshalling data to/from strings is neither fast nor small
compared to other binary alternatives. Using the reader is nice for
Wolodja Wentland writes:
Hi Wolodja,
> valid XML apart from the fact that they lack a root tag. The whole issue is
> complicated by the fact that the input files are pretty large (i.e. 9.1 GB
> gzipped files) and that I therefore cannot read them completely into
> memory.
> I am, however, unsu
Timothy Baldridge writes:
>> It's confusing that the REPL prints out a list structure when it's in
>> fact a sequence:
> There's really only one key difference between seqs and lists is that
> lists include a count private field.
That's true for any seq that's not created by calling seq on a l
Andrew Rafas writes:
Hi Andrew,
> Just created this solution for the Number Maze problem on 4clojure:
> (
> (fn [a b]
> (letfn [(nummaze [a b len]
> (cond
>(= len 0) false
>(= a b)
> It's confusing that the REPL prints out a list structure when it's in fact a
> sequence:
There's really only one key difference between seqs and lists is that
lists include a count private field. So the only way that you will
ever have a problem in this regard is when doing a count on the data.
Monger is an idiomatic Clojure MongoDB driver for a more civilized age: with
batteries included, sane defaults,
solid documentation and excellent performance.
1.1.0 is a small release that includes
* A new session store that works well with Friend
* Alternative functions for inserting and savi
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Adam King wrote:
> However, thanks for your work on this! In the next couple of days, I'll
> see if I can get it compiling and running under iOS.
If you're interested in working on Objective-C interop, let me know -
I have a few ideas.
Hi people!
Is there any recommendation, flow to follow, requirements, to use "Clojure"
word in an open source project? Or I can use it without any previous
Or there is any formal/informal "os-etiquette"?
I'm not a lawyer (I understand code! ;-).
I want to use the c** word ;-) in one o
It is a second time I post this message, now I will not put a link into it
so maybe it will get trough the spam filter...
So I have solved the 106. 4clojure problem, the Number Maze, and my
solution behaves rather strangely in the Counterclockwise REPL (and similar
on 4clojure solution che
On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 4:58 PM, William Morgan wrote:
> (E.g. surely people don't use the repl with single-line uninformative
> error messages... what am I doing wrong?)
(pst) ; that is, print stack trace
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Cloju
Please don't bypass C! Almost all platforms have some sort of C compiler
- it's like javascript for native platforms, instead of the web. With C
output, I can probably get it working on iOS (my main work target platform,
along with Android) - I had Boehm GC compiled and working sometime ago for
I think the benefits outweight the negatives, yes it's more pure going
straight to LLVM and takes out one more compilation step , but having it
translate to C opens up the possibility of it running on any machine
architecture that has a C compiler.
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Paulo Pinto w
I would take a look at bigloo and gambit, those implementations produce
solid C code from a Scheme base.
On 07/09/2012 08:50 AM, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
>> I'm excited to announce ClojureC, an effort to produce a Clojure
>> implementation that targets C:
It's confusing that the REPL prints out a list structure when it's in fact
a sequence:
(seq [1 2 3]) ;=> (1 2 3)
People might think it's a list, but it's a sequence (logical list in memory
only, not a new data structure).
(seq? (seq [1 2 3])) ;=> true
(list? (seq [1 2 3])) ;=> false
I fe
Hi guys,
I, somehow, missed this thread but I am all up for clojure @ Prague
On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 7:54 PM, Edward Tsech wrote:
> HI Daniel,
> I'm interested in Clojure and I would like to meet some Clojurians in
> Prague too!
> Ed
> On Friday, June 29, 2012 12:21:58 PM UTC+2, Daniel Sk
I know I can type (odoc definst) and get the docs for definst. Is there an
HTML version of the documentation for all of the functions and macros in
the overtone framework? I can't find any.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" grou
Is anybody willing and able to walk me through getting a simple project
compiling which correctly manages all the dependencies required by LWJGL
[1]? It seems that Leiningen's handling of native dependencies has changed
over time and so much of the already scant information on the web is no
I just hit this issue myself and wrote a macro to make it a bit easier to
extend google-closure provided classes. Here's the code:
(ns move.macros
(:require [cljs.compiler :as compiler]
[cljs.core :as cljs]))
(defmacro goog-extend [type base-type ctor & methods]
(defn ~
Just created this solution for the Number Maze problem on 4clojure:
(fn [a b]
(letfn [(nummaze [a b len]
(= len 0) false
(= a b) true
(nummaze (* 2 a) b
Dear all,
I am running into problems when I try to parse SGML documents [0] that are
valid XML apart from the fact that they lack a root tag. The whole issue is
complicated by the fact that the input files are pretty large (i.e. 9.1 GB
gzipped files) and that I therefore cannot read them completel
Man- the day there's a mature, production-ready C(something) compiler, I'm
going to flip out. Can't wait.
Thank you for working on this!
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Hey Frank,
Thanks for getting in touch!
With the tag literal support of 1.4+, is that kind of the idiomatic way of
> the future to structure protocols for serialized clojure data/code?
Sorry, could you clarify what you're asking here - I'm not sure if I follow
what you mean by "structure pr
Is saving supported? Because I have the save option disabled.
Juan Manuel
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