Ill agree that it may be approriate for map? to return false as it does perhaps
imply a stricter contract then the jvm versions namely immutability. However,
I fully expected the return type of keywordize to be a new immutable clojure
map and it would be extreamly helpful if walk, hash-map, fir
Obviously, LinkedHashMap is not a Clojure persistent data structure.
map? and alikes tests interfaces specific to Clojure, not Java ones.
Clojure data structures implement java.util.Map and cie to ease interop
with Java but they are not the same as the persistent interfaces and do not
allow mutat
I am using a groovy library that returns a LinkedHashMap containing ArrayLists
and nested LinkedHashMaps. I did not expect any issues working with this in
clojure since this type implements java.util.Map I figured everything would
just work. However the first thing I tried to do was apply
It does. Ticket opened:
On 28 April 2012 01:30, David Nolen wrote:
> Does this work in Clojure? If so file a ticket in JIRA.
> David
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 5:09 AM, Stuart Campbell wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm not sure if what I
ArsTechnica mentions Light Table now
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You need to pass in meta.
On Saturday, April 28, 2012, Shantanu Kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> Can somebody point me to an example that implements the IObj interface
> on deftype without needing to pass in meta via constructor? defrecord
> seems to be doing this by storing meta on the tag, but I d
The problem is in embedding an actual function object instead of a
form which creates the function object. That results in a form which
can't be read properly and thus the cryptic error.
On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 9:13 PM, Shantanu Kumar
> Hi,
> I am running into error when usi