On Apr 5, 10:56 am, Frank Siebenlist
> I still remember the first time I was introduced to Smalltalk, when my
> colleague demonstrated the class-browser - it was one of those jaw-dropping
> moments: all that information at your finger-tips of a live- and living
> system…
> Guess nowa
I haven't used checkout dependencies with lein-cljsbuild myself, but my
understanding is that lein will put the "checkouts" directory earlier in
the classpath than other dependencies, so things in there will be found
first. The clojurescript compiler runs inside an "eval-in-project" in
Hi Luc,
Am Donnerstag, 5. April 2012 01:51:25 UTC+2 schrieb Luc:
> Agree, I still wonder about the downsides of AOT, comments ?
Main downside - especially for an arbitrary library: it locks you down on
the specific clojure version you used for compiling, also the using
project. For a library
I still remember the first time I was introduced to Smalltalk, when my
colleague demonstrated the class-browser - it was one of those jaw-dropping
moments: all that information at your finger-tips of a live- and living system…
Guess nowadays it's more nostalgia than anything else, but in many wa
Correction - the code does not compile in simple mode and above because the
checkouts do not appear to be found.
On Thursday, 5 April 2012 13:31:51 UTC+10, Dave Sann wrote:
> Can anyone confirm whether lein cljsbuild can support use of the
> "checkouts" directory?
> I have tried this with a
Can anyone confirm whether lein cljsbuild can support use of the
"checkouts" directory?
I have tried this with a simple test. The code compiles without error but
the checkouts dependencies are not included.
I know that you can jar the cljs files but it is good to be able to work
without doing
This email is not from me, did'nt type anything... I wonder if my email
client is buggy...
> >
> > Listed as a downer for Scala: "Functional programming can be difficult
> > to understand for a Java developer" - same can be said for Clojure, so
> > I think it is a similarity but he presents it as
Agree, I still wonder about the downsides of AOT, comments ?
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Softaddicts
> wrote:
> > On some application containers (tomcat, weblogic, ...), AOT can simplify
> > your life
> > when configuring your app context, you may need to refer to some of your
> > Cloj
On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Softaddicts
> On some application containers (tomcat, weblogic, ...), AOT can simplify your
> life
> when configuring your app context, you may need to refer to some of your
> Clojure
> components but the container can only refer to compiled classes.
> On
On Monday, April 2, 2012 8:54:07 AM UTC-5, Moritz Ulrich wrote:
> See [1]: "Agents are currently not implemented"
> They wouldn't be very useful, as javascript is single threaded in most
> implementations.
> [1]:
> https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript/wiki/Differences-from-Clojure
Marcus Lindner:
> But it might be intersting to see the opinions from more experienced people
> ;).
Monger [1] has several things Congomongo does not (or did not last time I
looked at it):
* No integration of clj-time (transparent Joda Time types serialization)
* No integration with clojure.da
European Lisp Symposium 2012, Zadar, Croatia, April 29th - May 1st, 2012
Call for Participation.
The purpose of the European Lisp Symposium is to provide a forum for
the discussion and dissemination of all aspects of design,
implementation and application of an
Thanks for that advice Alan. I've already run into a problem due to
"merge-with vector". I get your point about flatten, and I will
certainly look closely at your suggestions regarding partial.
Thanks again for taking the time.
On 4 April 2012 21:11, Alan Malloy wrote:
> On Apr 4, 6:50
On Apr 4, 6:50 am, David Jagoe wrote:
> Particularly I very often find myself doing
> (apply hash-map (flatten (for [[k v] some-map] ...)))
:( :( :( flatten is vile, never use it[1]. What if the value in the
map is a list, or the key is a vector? Now you've broken it. Instead
use into:
(into {
> Right now, there is nothing like leiningen for .NET
Did you take a look at NuGet?
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Note that posts from n
I try to use monger.
Its syntax is nearer to mongoDB as CongoMongo.
But that is only my personal view :(.
I have no real experience with CongoMongo and try to learn MongoDB and
Clojure with monger.
But it might be intersting to see the opinions from more experienced people
2012/4/4 Simone M
Thanks BG, I prefer your version. I'd forgotten about select-keys.
On 4 April 2012 15:20, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
>> Please have a look at the following function (explained in the doc
>> string). I have a bunch of rows that I need to aggregate using
>> different functions per fi
I would add that you can look at the resulting jar file and you will see
both the source code and the .class files in it.
By default the source is present but you can ask leiningen to remove it
from the target. If you need to keep your code private, that's an option.
You can then deliver only byte
octopusgrabbus writes:
> Is there any reason to compile a Clojure library with :aot?
Here's all the reasons I know of for doing AOT-compilation:
- The code produces JVM classes with `clojure.core/gen-class`, which
only produces any results when compiling.
- The code needs to expose a J
An AOT generated lib mainly avoids compilation on the fly when your app
starts up.
We use AOT here to avoid deployment issues that could be found at
application startup (missing component, bad fn signatures, ...) or if we call
Clojure code from Java using gen-class.
On some application containers
Is there any reason to compile a Clojure library with :aot?
(defproject bene-csv "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A csv parsing library"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
[clojure-csv/clojure-csv "1.3.2"]]
:aot [bene-csv.core])
How does compiling or not compiling s
It could emit a warning but it will probably not be a hard error.
clojure-dev is good for these discussions.
On Wednesday, April 4, 2012, Nathan Sorenson wrote:
> ClojureScript doesn't complain when you supply too many arguments to a
> function, silently dropping the superfluous args. Is t
I would probably say that in questions like this, it's best to do it
the way Clojure on the JVM does it. ClojureScript is still pretty
immature, so using it as a reference standard is going to be
troublesome. This is the approach clojure-py is taking. Consider
Clojure-jvm to be the reference spec,
On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Nathan Sorenson wrote:
> ClojureScript doesn't complain when you supply too many arguments to a
> function, silently dropping the superfluous args. Is this a bug or feature?
IIRC it's a bug of the Javascript language itself. I wouldn't expect
it to be carried over
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 5:53 PM, David Nolen wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 8:20 PM, Gabriel Pickard
> wrote:
>> I'm trying to build something related [1]: A temporal- and control-flow
>> reasoner for software in general. My idea was to tie this into logging or
>> debugging interfaces.
>> I w
I don't like try to compare two different work, but when two programs have
the same task, i never know...
What would you suggest, congomongo or monger (or other) ? Why ? Thoughts ???
My operation would be very easy, write more than read, and update values,
maybe in a future use of map/reduction
ClojureScript doesn't complain when you supply too many arguments to a
function, silently dropping the superfluous args. Is this a bug or feature?
I'm not sure if I should replicate this behaviour in clojure-scheme, as it
differs from Clojure.
P.S. is there a separate group for ClojureScript b
> Note that the browser-connected REPL (at least, when run via
> one.sample.repl/go) hoists itself up on top of the REPL you start via Run >
> Clojure >Application, and assumes that it's in a console, and therefore
> doesn't play well with the ccw REPL, assumes the opposite.
I assume this means
Great, thank you very much, i'm gonna address those points right away !
The thing is, there are some keys choices about the proposals that i
probably need to make for the final application, and that's what i hoped to
discuss here. Although i'm quite late and it leaves little time to consider
Raph, rather than do an edit pass at this point, there are some larger
problems with your proposal you need to take care of. :)
In my opinion, your proposals are too informal, "Hi, I'm Raphael...". As
I'm not going to be choosing them, I can't guarantee this is the case, but
judging from http://ww
Hi all:
Shady is intended to be a collection of JVM interop facilities. Right
now it contains two useful pieces of functionality for producing iterop
classes: a version of `gen-class` supporting dynamic redefinition like
`deftype`; and a `defclass` macro providing a `deftype`-like interface
to th
I was wondering if you could give me some advice on my Viterbi algorithm in
clojure posted at git://gist.github.com/2301728.git.
I am a complete novice at Clojure. Hopefully, we could include it as an
implementation on the Wikipedia page for the Viterbi algorithm.
You rec
Hi again!
I've played around a little with Chris Grangers editor and changed it into
a simple repl.
The code is on github: https://github.com/dentrado/cljs-repl
If the return value is a HTMLElement or a JQuery object it gets attached to
the repl-div.
($ ""
(map->js {:src "http://html5dem
Oh that's very interresting, so in some way you *are* also decoupling
ClojureScript backend from it's parse and analysis components ! But
doing so in a separate project, and in a more ambitious form than
what i proposed in my application.
Maybe there is a possibility of pairing the projects ?
> Please have a look at the following function (explained in the doc
> string). I have a bunch of rows that I need to aggregate using
> different functions per field. I also need to apply the aggregate to a
> subset of the rows. Obviously this is just like SQL aggregation, hence
> the interface I'v
Hi all,
Please have a look at the following function (explained in the doc
string). I have a bunch of rows that I need to aggregate using
different functions per field. I also need to apply the aggregate to a
subset of the rows. Obviously this is just like SQL aggregation, hence
the interface I've
2012/4/4 Raphaël AMIARD :
> Hi Aaron !
> Those application are intended for submission on the google summer of code
> site. I think both Clojure developer and google will eventually get them if
> i understood the system right.
> Thank you very much for the editing help proposition, it would be
Hi Aaron !
Those application are intended for submission on the google summer of code
site. I think both Clojure developer and google will eventually get them if
i understood the system right.
Thank you very much for the editing help proposition, it would be terribly
helpful, since i'm not us
2012/4/4 Raphaël AMIARD :
> Hi there,
> I've been a hobbyist Clojure developer for some time now, and a lurker in
> the community.
> I'm very interrested in participating to the Google Summer of Code on the
> Clojure team. Clojure is a language that i love, and i would love
> contributing to it
Hi there,
I've been a hobbyist Clojure developer for some time now, and a lurker in
the community.
I'm very interrested in participating to the Google Summer of Code on the
Clojure team. Clojure is a language that i love, and i would love
contributing to it.
My main field of knowledge is in c
My first try to get JPPF to work from REPL is changing the
ContextClassLoader to an implementation derived from
clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader which caches the class bytes on definition.
That did not work so far. Sometimes (.setContextClassLoader
(Thread/currentThread) cacheClassLoader) does no
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