Having worked with Clojure for over a year, I can sympathize with
Clojure beginners (like myself) who find it extremely difficult to do
simple things with Clojure. (It took me weeks to get Clojure working
with Emacs, Swank, and the Clojure Debugging Toolkit, but I'm
Now this. I'm lear
That was my guess too and when I specify swank-clojure-extra-vm-args
it seems to work.
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Note that posts from new members are moderated - pleas
Ah, static initializers... Well, I expect your initializer (in Java)
is running before the Clojure code has had a chance to set the
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 8:56 PM, MohanR wrote:
> (let [ test (LogManager/getLogger "Stream")])
> This code inside the same clojure function is suppose
(let [ test (LogManager/getLogger "Stream")])
This code inside the same clojure function is supposed to call a
static method of a Java class and in the Java class there is a static
initializer. That initializer calls System.getProperty( "Test" )
This is compiled from within emacs C-c C-l. Not AO
James Reeves wrote:
> On 7 April 2011 06:48, Joost wrote:
> > I think your choice of currying makes more sense, at least in the
> > context of validations, so it might be a good idea to switch pretzel
> > over to that scheme.
> Would it make sense for clj-decline?
Yes. The main idea of clj-decl
On 7 April 2011 06:48, Joost wrote:
> I think your choice of currying makes more sense, at least in the
> context of validations, so it might be a good idea to switch pretzel
> over to that scheme.
Would it make sense for clj-decline?
The Valip predicates are designed with HTML form validation i
Hi Peter,
On 7 Apr 2011, at 18:45, Peter Schuller wrote:
>> * GC kicking in
> -XX:+PrintGC
> -XX:+PrintGCDetails
> -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
> Will tell you immediately.
This is brilliant, thanks for letting me know about it.
Here's a short snippet of my system running. I'm using the followi
clojure.contrib.profile is kind of a hack, I wouldn't rely on it for
accurate information.
-Stuart Sierra
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Note that posts from
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 5:18 PM, Ken Wesson wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Benny Tsai wrote:
>> Works for me (Chrome 10.0.648.204, Windows XP SP3).
> Well, this is just screwy. I have tried restarting Chrome, disabling
> and re-enabling its Flash plugin, and various other things. No jo
> * GC kicking in
Will tell you immediately.
A couple of hundred ms seems very very plausible for GC. What is your
target/desired maximum pause time?
/ Peter Schuller
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On Apr 7, 8:05 am, j1n3l0 wrote:
> Thank you very much, that was exactly what I needed to do. I've
> managed to publish the java library on clojars. Now I need to tell the
> original author what I'm doing :)
Glad you got it working. For future reference, it's much better to
contact the author fir
I tried it in the REPL and it seemed to work fine:
user=> (use 'clojure.test)
user=> (deftest testlogging (System/setProperty "Test" "Test1")
(let [ configfile (System/getProperty "Test")]
(is (= "Test1" configfile ))
user=> (run-tests)
Testing user
Ran 1 te
Thank you very much, that was exactly what I needed to do. I've
managed to publish the java library on clojars. Now I need to tell the
original author what I'm doing :)
On Apr 7, 3:46 pm, Mark Rathwell wrote:
> I'm not aware of any clojars policies relating to this, so I'm not sure if
> they only
I'm not aware of any clojars policies relating to this, so I'm not sure if
they only want clojure artifacts in their repository, but I would think it
would not be an issue.
You will first need to create a minimal pom.xml for the library jar file,
see 'Minimal POM' section at
Hi there,
I'm trying to track down what might be creating seemingly sporadic tiny pauses
in my application execution. Essentially the system is calling a JNI interface
with a regular rhythm. Most of the time this is the case, however, occasionally
the system will pause for a few hundred ms and
Thank you both for your input.
Now assuming I am prepared to publish the java component to clojars
myself (which I am), how do I go about publishing said java library
with an ant build file to clojars? My understanding of clojars was
that it was for clojure libraries?
On Apr 7, 3:19 pm,
There's nothing wrong there. Would need to see the java snippet how is
On Apr 6, 11:03 pm, MohanR wrote:
> This is a beginner's question but I thought I might be missing
> something.
> I am setting a System property and testing for it like this. It
> passes.
> ( deftest testlogger
Wow, I really shouldn't be reading this early in the morning. Just realized
you want to publish to clojars.org. In that case, yes, you do need to alert
users as to where they can download the additional dependencies that are not
in common maven repositories. Or, as Armando suggested, petition th
You may want to contact the library's developer to request it be
published as a component, or do it yourself since it's open source and
they won't mind the added exposure. Once that lib is up in clojars you
continue as normal.
On Apr 7, 6:49 am, j1n3l0 wrote:
> Hi,
> I've written a little cloju
Oops, just reread your question, looks like you may be more interested in
deployment. For deployment, try 'lein uberjar' to bundle all dependencies
into one distributable jar file.
Hopefully answered the right question this time ;)
- Mark
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Mark Rathwell wrote:
The easiest way would be to install the library to you local maven
repository with the command below (assuming you have maven installed. That
way, you can add the dependency to all of your projects on your local box.
If you do not want to use maven, you make sure the library is on your
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 7:17 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Each anonymous function you define via fn or #() generates a new
> class. Functions like comp or partial just return a new instance of
> the anonymous class contained in the comp resp. partial definition. So
> they don't create a new class
I've written a little clojure library that depends on a java library
for functionality. This java library is only available on
sourceforge.net. I have been using leiningen to manage my clojure
projects and I would like to add it as a dependency in my project.clj
file so I can publish my librar
On 7 Apr., 15:11, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
> On a more serious note, how do I find out how many classes a form compiles to?
Each anonymous function you define via fn or #() generates a new
class. Functions like comp or partial just return a new instance of
the anonymous class contained in
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 6:34 PM, Chouser wrote:
Given a collection of functions
(def fs [#(* % 10) #(+ % 1)])
and some numbers
(def c [1 2 3])
How do I apply all the functions to c so that the
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 6:34 PM, Chouser wrote:
>>> Given a collection of functions
>>> (def fs [#(* % 10) #(+ % 1)])
>>> and some numbers
>>> (def c [1 2 3])
>>> How do I apply all the functions to c so that the results of one
>>> function are passed to the other. In the same way -
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
>> Given a collection of functions
>> (def fs [#(* % 10) #(+ % 1)])
>> and some numbers
>> (def c [1 2 3])
>> How do I apply all the functions to c so that the results of one
>> function are passed to the other. In the same way
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 6:26 PM, Scott Jaderholm wrote:
> (map #((apply comp (reverse fs)) %) c)
> => (11 21 31)
Don't need the lambda around comp because comp returns a function
which can be mapped.
Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at gmail.com
You received this message because y
> Given a collection of functions
> (def fs [#(* % 10) #(+ % 1)])
> and some numbers
> (def c [1 2 3])
> How do I apply all the functions to c so that the results of one
> function are passed to the other. In the same way -> works. Thus in
> this case the expected result would be: 11 21 31
(map #((apply comp (reverse fs)) %) c)
=> (11 21 31)
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 4:51 AM, zm wrote:
> Hi,
> Given a collection of functions
> (def fs [#(* % 10) #(+ % 1)])
> and some numbers
> (def c [1 2 3])
> How do I apply all the functions to c so that the results of one
> func
Looks like it is a bug in Clojure.
Create foo.clj:
(ns foo)
(let []
(defn foo [] :foo))
Then call foo from REPL:
$ java -cp .:clojure-1.3.0-alpha6.jar clojure.main
Clojure 1.3.0-alpha6
user=> (use 'foo)
user=> (foo)
ClassNotFoundException foo$eval9$foo__10 java.lang.Class.forName0
Given a collection of functions
(def fs [#(* % 10) #(+ % 1)])
and some numbers
(def c [1 2 3])
How do I apply all the functions to c so that the results of one
function are passed to the other. In the same way -> works. Thus in
this case the expected result would be: 11 21 31
You rec
On Apr 7, 1:47 am, James Reeves wrote:
> I've been writing a small validation library, Valip, with a number of
> included predicates. The predicates in Valip are curried if they have
> more than one argument, but there is probably some overlap between
> Valip and Pretzel, and it might be an idea
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