On Oct 22, 10:59 am, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hi,
> On 22 Okt., 07:48, Shantanu Kumar wrote:
> > When I runs this using Clojure 1.2.0:
> > (binding [*assert* false] (assert false))
> > I get
> > java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: false
> > Can somebody please help me underst
On 22 Okt., 07:48, Shantanu Kumar wrote:
> When I runs this using Clojure 1.2.0:
> (binding [*assert* false] (assert false))
> I get
> java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: false
> Can somebody please help me understand how to use *assert* for
> conditional assertions?
The assert
When I runs this using Clojure 1.2.0:
(binding [*assert* false] (assert false))
I get
java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: false
Can somebody please help me understand how to use *assert* for
conditional assertions?
You received this message because you are subscribe
[sandbar "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"] is all you need. That is the latest version
and includes everything including the defform code you are looking
On Oct 21, 5:25 am, nickikt wrote:
> I can find [sandbar.core "0.3.1"], [sandbar/sandbar-session "0.2.5"]
> and other on clojars. I would rather work wi
2010/10/21 Brody Berg :
> (defn binary-search
> "Search sorted list for target using binary search technique"
Binary search is only useful on indexed data types like Clojure Vectors.
> ([m_list target]
> (if (empty? m_list)
> false
> (binary-search m_list 0 (- (
I do have the web-content key. I had to postpone work on this issue
(I'm waiting for my flight
right now to get the ClojureConj). They were too many items in the
checklist before I could leave..
I'll resume on this either while in Raleigh or upon my return. Right
now I feel a bit stunned by t
To expand on this:
1. It's better to use when (or when-not) if one branch of your if is
just a false value. E.g. you could replace (if (empty? x) false
(whatever)) with (when-not (empty? x)). However...
2. Don't use empty? if you can help it! The idiomatic way to test
whether a collection has any
'lein deps' deletes the lib directiory whenever it runs, and this is the
expected behavior. 'lein jar' runs deps first, so that's why lib is
disappearing. This shouldn't be a problem if all of your dependencies are
specified in project.clj; deps should just repopulate a fresh lib directory.
If you
Oh, I didn't understand this line before. Now I see my error, thank
On Oct 21, 6:27 pm, Jürgen Hötzel wrote:
> 2010/10/21 andrei :
> > (defn test []
> > (let [transient-map (transient {})]
> > (doseq [i (range 100)]
> > (conj! transient-map {i (str i)} ))
> > (p
2010/10/21 andrei :
> (defn test []
> (let [transient-map (transient {})]
> (doseq [i (range 100)]
> (conj! transient-map {i (str i)} ))
> (persistent! transient-map)))
> I expect that it will produce:
> { 0 "0", 1 "1", 2 "2", ..., 99 "99"}
> but it gives only
> {0 "0"
I'm trying to compile my project with Leiningen 1.3.1, the compile
fails but that is another story. My main problem right now is that the
lib folder disappears. I'd like to be able to do lein jar (or try)
without it disappearing.
My project.clj looks like this:
(defproject project "0.1"
(defn test []
(let [transient-map (transient {})]
(doseq [i (range 100)]
(conj! transient-map {i (str i)} ))
(persistent! transient-map)))
I expect that it will produce:
{ 0 "0", 1 "1", 2 "2", ..., 99 "99"}
but it gives only
{0 "0", 1 "1", ..., 7 "7"}
i.e. only first 8
You should close the parenthesis all in one line:
(defn binary-search
"Search sorted list for target using binary search technique"
([m_list target]
(if (empty? m_list)
(binary-search m_list 0 (- (count m_list) 1) target)))
([m_list m_left m_right
I can find [sandbar.core "0.3.1"], [sandbar/sandbar-session "0.2.5"]
and other on clojars. I would rather work with the new versions (not
start a poject with outdated dependencies). Witch of the jars do I
need to do something like your defform example in the new version?
On Oct 21, 2:23 am, Brent
As the start of this thread mentioned, we are moving to a new infrastructure
around Confluence and JIRA, which should be (1) easier to use and in and of
itself, and (2) allow a chance to improve documentation and streamline every
aspect of contributing to Clojure. I am hoping we can roll onto JI
you can't transfer aliases from one namespace to another. But as a
workaround, you can create a file which contains the necessary
(require '[active-record.user :as user])
(require '[active-record.charge :as charge])
And then just load the file in the names
On Oct 21, 2010, at 3:28 AM, Brody Berg wrote:
>(if (== (nth m_list m_left) target)
Forgot to mention: you should use = instead of == unless you're sure you will
only ever get numeric arguments *and* profiling tells you that = is a
performance bottleneck.
You received this
On Oct 21, 2010, at 3:28 AM, Brody Berg wrote:
>(if (empty? m_list)
>(binary-search m_list 0 (- (count m_list) 1) target))
Assuming that returning nil is OK in case of the target not being present, you
can replace this with (when (seq m_list) (binary-search
Not sure if this is the right place for this - but I just wrote my
first function in Clojure and wanted to make sure I am on the right
track idiomatically and making full use of the language etc. I have
been able to build/run and unit test this so that's all fine. Take a
look at the below and
Hi Everyone,
I have a question about an apparent redundancy in clojure's generated
class files. Out of curiosity I was inspecting the core class files
using the Java Decompiler JD-GUI. For example, here is the decompiled
version of core$dec.class (the implementation of the dec function):
Dear Clojure group,
The library clj-record requires to add a source file for every table
in a given database.
This can lead to a lot of files whose namespaces have to be imported
wherever you want to work on the tables.
In order to avoid having to write the whole namespace declaration
every time
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