Sorry, the Needs call isn't quite right. Do this instead:
<< ClojurianScopes`
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 12:23 AM, Garth Sheldon-Coulson wrote:
> Hi Sunil,
> Double check that you have the .m files from the Clojuratica distribution
> in your Mathematica $Path. The error message you receive
Hi Sunil,
Double check that you have the .m files from the Clojuratica distribution in
your Mathematica $Path. The error message you received makes me think that
the file ClojurianScopes.m is not being properly loaded by
You can check this by firing up Mathematica and cal
On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Jarl Haggerty wrote:
> 1. How do I get leiningen to use 1.3 when I type lein repl, right now
> I have to compile a jar and execute it if I want to use the 1.3
> library.
Specify these dependencies:
[[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0-master-SNAPSHOT"
where is the sa-jdi.jar, there isn't the sa-jdi.jar under my java's
lib directory.
On 9月29日, 下午12时00分, George Jahad wrote:
> hmmm, you must be as big a debugger geek as I am, but I'm not sure
> anyone else would be interested.
> In any case the commands are almost trivial, which is why I don't
I try not to post twice in a row but I thought it was rude of me not
to say thanks for the help.
On Oct 7, 7:42 pm, Jarl Haggerty wrote:
> I was using 1.2, I thought I posted that here but I don't see the
> message. I don't have the same problem in 1.3, but I have some
> slightly tangental quest
I was using 1.2, I thought I posted that here but I don't see the
message. I don't have the same problem in 1.3, but I have some
slightly tangental questions.
1. How do I get leiningen to use 1.3 when I type lein repl, right now
I have to compile a jar and execute it if I want to use the 1.3
Flash just can't be so wide spread in the java world. No it can't.
It does ??? Oh please, please !!.. ok shame on me :-/ !
Cédric, learning java stuff on clojure's mailing lists :-) !
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Groups "Clojure" group.
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On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Jarl Haggerty wrote:
> I'm using clojure 1.2
OK, I stand corrected. Stuart's right. The problem is that you're
getting mixed numeric types.
When you do (collatz 113383) the sequence eventually hits
which is a Long, not an Integer.
When you divide by 2
OK, so I reserved a Conj Hilton room with double beds for 10/21-23,
two nights at $99, with tax $227. If a fellow clojurer wants to save
$110, email me directly!
-- Alexy
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On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 4:21 AM, Stuart Halloway
> Which version of Clojure are you running?
> The most likely cause of this problem is having a mix of numeric types (e.g.
> longs and ints) as keys/key lookups in a hash map. This is broken as required
> (sigh) by Java collections.
I thi
Yes, this is by no means unique to funkyweb. In fact, under the hood it uses
the flash middleware provided by ring which is available to all ring based
- Patrik
2010/10/7 Sean Corfield
> 2010/10/7 Cédric Pineau :
> > As for Flash, I've never met such thing in my everyday java
You are correct sir! That was the problem.
Thanks for the tip on the plugin folder too.
On Oct 7, 11:18 am, Phil Hagelberg wrote:
> You've got the syntax for dev-dependencies wrong; swank should be a vector
> inside a vector. But if you're on leiningen 1.3.1 anyway you can just place
> t
Was posted already.
On 7 Okt., 18:12, 386sx wrote:
> Moderator: What's your thoughts on the other languages?
> James Gosling: I'm a big fan. I can't say I use them a lot. You know,
> the Java design was not that I thoug
Moderator: What's your thoughts on the other languages?
James Gosling: I'm a big fan. I can't say I use them a lot. You know,
the Java design was not that I thought it was the perfect language.
The whole design concept there
2010/10/7 Cédric Pineau :
> As for Flash, I've never met such thing in my everyday java world, but it's
> a nice idea.
It's pretty standard in web frameworks. I see it in nearly every MVC
framework in CFML and Grails / Rails do it too - as well as several
Java web frameworks.
Sean A Corfield -
FWIW: I've used the built in "memoize" and had not problem. You can
view my solution at
On Oct 6, 10:46 pm, Jarl Haggerty wrote:
> Problem 14 on project Euler is to find the number under 1,000,000 that
> is the start of the longest Collatz sequ
You've got the syntax for dev-dependencies wrong; swank should be a vector
inside a vector. But if you're on leiningen 1.3.1 anyway you can just place
the swank jar in ~/.lein/plugins to make it available to all projects
without touching project.clj.
On Oct 7, 2010 6:53 AM, "pete.m" wrote:
I'm having a hard time getting Clojure 1.2/swank-clojure 1.3/leiningen
1.3.1/slime working on my Macbook (10.5.8).
I can create a new project with 'lein new Project', but when I add the
dev-dependency for swank-clojure, and try to run lein deps on the
project, I get some exceptions complain
2010/10/7 Cédric Pineau :
> As for Flash, I've never met such thing in my everyday java world, but it's
> a nice idea.
The flash scope is quite popular in web frameworks like Seam Framework
or Grails (which I believe inherited it from Spring MVC). It then
popped up in other web frameworks in Java
That's make things clearer to me, and especially James' summary which is
simple when exposed but time-consuming to figure out by yourself :-)
As for Flash, I've never met such thing in my everyday java world, but it's
a nice idea.
Thanks to all of you !
You received this message
My take on this. I know it's convoluted, I know this is probably not
the best and not even a good-enough solution, but it's what I have so
far (needless to say, I'd welcome comments on my code :)
(defn explode [ [k vals ] ] (map #(vector key %) vals))
(defn update-map [ m ] (partial apply assoc m)
Which version of Clojure are you running?
The most likely cause of this problem is having a mix of numeric types (e.g.
longs and ints) as keys/key lookups in a hash map. This is broken as required
(sigh) by Java collections.
Clojure 1.3 improves the story by having Clojure's collections defy th
Problem 14 on project Euler is to find the number under 1,000,000 that
is the start of the longest Collatz sequence. My solution is below,
basically it uses a hash map to cache the lengths of collatz
sequences. But when I get to 113383 the collatz function just bounces
between the numbers 1, 2, a
2010/10/6 Cédric Pineau
> Looks nice indeed ! Very REST oriented, isn't it ?
Thank you :) Yes, I try to keep it as RESTful as possible
> One thing : I'm new to clojure and gathering information about the whole
> ecosystem, including web frameworks, but find it hard to figure what to
> ch
Thanks again for these beautiful code examples!
I haven't come across (apply map ... before so this is idiom a big
step forward for me.
The same is true for the extended use of 'reduce'. I know that this
function is really powerful but I am only just beginning to understand
its potential.
On 7 Okt., 08:29, Stefan Rohlfing wrote:
> (defn d-map [& kfps]
> (let [keys (map first kfps)
> fns (map second kfps)]
> (loop [keys keys fns fns res []]
> (if (seq keys)
> (recur (rest keys) (rest fns)
> (into res (map (fn [x] [(firs
And I was about to post this variant ... looks very similar to
yours :)
(apply map merge (for [[k vs] args] (for [v vs] {k v})))
I think the crux is "apply map"... my go-to idiom for parallel
iteration over an arbitrary number of seqs.
On Oct 7, 1:26 am, Per Vognsen wrote:
> Since variety is t
Since variety is the spice of life, here's my (less clean and
untested) code that I was about to post when your message arrived in
my inbox:
(apply map #(into {} %) (for [[k vs] args] (for [v vs] [k v]
On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 3:18 PM, Jason Wolfe wrote:
> (defn d-map [& args]
> (appl
(defn d-map [& args]
(apply map
(fn [& vals] (zipmap (map first args) vals))
(map second args)))
On Oct 7, 12:54 am, Stefan Rohlfing wrote:
> Thank you all for your great code examples!
> The goal of the function 'd-map' is to return a collection of maps
> that looks like this:
> (
Thank you all for your great code examples!
The goal of the function 'd-map' is to return a collection of maps
that looks like this:
({:headline "this", :points 1, :comments 10}
{:headline "is", :points 2, :comments 20}
{:headline "me", :points 3, :comments 30})
Based on Per's example usin
Thats what I came up with this.
(defn getpairs [[key coll]] ;; split the key form the data (http://
(map (fn [x] [key x]) coll)) ;;put the key in front of every
element in data
(defn d-map [& colls]
(mapcat getpairs colls)) ;;mapcat
On Oct 7, 2010, at 2:29 AM, Stefan Rohlfing wrote:
> Dear Clojure Group,
> Following an Enlive tutorial I wanted to implement a function 'd-map'
> that takes an arbitrary number of [:key (list of values)] parameters
> like this:
> (d-map [:headline ["this" "is" "me"] ]
> [:points
All in all, you only used in your first definition "core" clojure
constructs, you avoided doing "imperative in clojure clothes". So, while not
leveraging to its full extent the power of clojure standard library
functions and higher-order-functions, your code certainly qualifies as
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