Re: Polyglot (Clojure) Maven (Was: Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool)

2010-03-27 Thread Antony Blakey
On 28/03/2010, at 4:42 PM, Antony Blakey wrote: > (defproject main "org.clojars.the-kenny:clojure-couchdb:0.2" > :add-default-plugins true > :description "Simple Clojure interface to Apache CouchDB, fork of the > original project with function arguments instead of *server* and some other > ch

Polyglot (Clojure) Maven (Was: Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool)

2010-03-27 Thread Antony Blakey
[I've cross posted because I think this is relevent to both lists] I've started fixing some bugs in the Clojure support in polyglot maven. I've sent pull requests upstream, but until then you can get it from It works as my default maven (although t

Re: Can I GPL my Clojure project?

2010-03-27 Thread Mike Meyer
Ok, I'm not a copyright lawyer. I have spent a lot of time over the past three decades looking at licenses, and talking them over with lawyers, so I'd have no qualms acting on the advice below. But if you're serious about this, you need to talk to a real copyright lawyer. On Sat, 27 Mar 2010 18:44

Re: Fighting with Emacs ;-)

2010-03-27 Thread Michał Marczyk
On 27 March 2010 22:25, alux wrote: > But now I see people use the result of this evaluation in their REPL > (I see this in videos, so I cant ask 'em :). This doesnt work at all > for me. I get the result in the minibuffer (this thing at the very > bottom) and thats it. If the form you evaluate i

Re: clojure-mode-like syntax highlighting for the SLIME REPL

2010-03-27 Thread Michał Marczyk
I think I've managed to make SLIME REPL keep highlighting prompts and printouts on *out* properly while using clojure-mode syntax highlighting for everything else. This is accomplished by means of advising two slime-repl functions. Both pieces of advice (hm... advices?) are now included in the gis

Can I GPL my Clojure project?

2010-03-27 Thread Eugen Dück
I was always assuming I can GPL my Clojure project, just as I can GPL projects using completely closed compilers and/or runtime environments (?). And the EPL itself is not restrictive when it comes to "non- derived work". But then I read a couple of threads in this group, and also got a response "y

Re: convert hex string to number

2010-03-27 Thread Luc Prefontaine
Use a try catch around parseInt to report bad hex nb formats. At least you'll know if you are feedind odd values to your hex function. Luc Sent from my iPod On 2010-03-27, at 5:18 PM, Glen Rubin wrote: rock!! On Mar 27, 4:17 pm, Richard Newman wrote: Is there a function for c

Re: another concurrency question: could there be contention for allocation (consing etc.)?

2010-03-27 Thread Lee Spector
Thanks Peter. Just using -Xincgc seems to make a major difference for me, even under java 1.5.0_19. This is very nice in terms of my runtimes and it also shows that GC is a major factor here. -Lee On Mar 27, 2010, at 12:26 PM, Peter Schuller wrote: >> BTW also, someone else previously commen

Re: installing libraries

2010-03-27 Thread Brenton
Glen, This doesn't really answer your specific question but if you are going to be graphing data from Clojure then the best library to use would be Incanter It uses the same Java library as Dejcartes for creating charts, JFreeChart, and is very easy to use. Plus

installing libraries

2010-03-27 Thread Glen Rubin
I want to start graphing some data i am woking with. I found and downloaded a library called dejcartes for this purpose I am absolutely clueless as how to install this knowledge of java is extremely. i see there are a bunch of jar files as well cl

Re: convert hex string to number

2010-03-27 Thread Glen Rubin rock!! On Mar 27, 4:17 pm, Richard Newman wrote: > > Is there a function for converting these strings into normal hex or > > numbers??  I tried num, but it didn't work. > > user=> (read-string "0x44") > 68 > > Safer: > > (defn hex->num [#^String s] >    (binding [*read-eval* false] >

Fighting with Emacs ;-)

2010-03-27 Thread alux
Hi all, I still struggle with Emacs and Slime and these. So I have a Slime REPL up and running in Emacs. Nice. I edit Clojure files in Emacs, and it says (Clojure Paredit Slime[clojure{0/1}]) in this status line (or how it is called), and it helps a lot. Nice. And when I do C-x C-e with cursor b

Re: convert hex string to number

2010-03-27 Thread Richard Newman
Is there a function for converting these strings into normal hex or numbers?? I tried num, but it didn't work. user=> (read-string "0x44") 68 Safer: (defn hex->num [#^String s] (binding [*read-eval* false] (let [n (read-string s)] (when (number? n) n You could also us

convert hex string to number

2010-03-27 Thread Glen Rubin
Hi! I am working with a sequence of hex numbers that are in string format, e.g. ("0x34" "0xff" "0x01" ...) Is there a function for converting these strings into normal hex or numbers?? I tried num, but it didn't work. Thanks! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the G

Re: Choosing a Clojure build tool

2010-03-27 Thread jvanzyl
Or you can help out with Polyglot Maven for which there is preliminary Clojure support: I've tried to put the infrastructure in place in Maven to use dynamic langu

Re: labrepl, making Clojure more accessible

2010-03-27 Thread chessguy
I get this exact same error. Would love to know how to get around it. On Mar 26, 2:35 pm, Sophie wrote: > Just tried this with NetBeans 6.7.1 on OSX 10.5.8. Got through all > setup steps with no problem. When I try to start the project REPL, I > get: > > "There did not appear to be both valid clo

Re: another concurrency question: could there be contention for allocation (consing etc.)?

2010-03-27 Thread Peter Schuller
> BTW also, someone else previously commented on a different thread that maybe > some of my slow-downs were GC related, and at the time I didn't understand > the possible interactions between the GC and multithread timing issues... > which I'm still not sure I completely understand, but all of t

Re: another concurrency question: could there be contention for allocation (consing etc.)?

2010-03-27 Thread Lee Spector
Thanks Chas and Daniel. It's funny -- as I was waking up this morning, before being really awake, I literally thought "or maybe it's the GC" :-) I didn't know about the parallel GC option and will have to try that out. The 8-core machine I'm using is still running Java 1.5.0_19, so I guess I'l

Re: another concurrency question: could there be contention for allocation (consing etc.)?

2010-03-27 Thread Daniel
Not sure if this is going to help, but I recently tried to optimize performance of my long running IDE process, and crawled through a lot of JVM flags and benchmarks. I give you the more or less raw list below (stripped of UI related stuff), which you might find useful. Machine specs are Macbook 2G

Re: another concurrency question: could there be contention for allocation (consing etc.)?

2010-03-27 Thread Chas Emerick
If you're not using a parallel garbage collector (which is the case by default), then generating significant garbage will result in not- insignificant GC pauses. Allocation itself isn't a synchronous operation, but the default GC is. Most java profilers have thread-related tools that allow