This is my first major Clojure program and my first major lisp-program
at all.
It unfortuneately has a few bugs. 1 minor where I don't handle an
exception when there is no file chosen when you open a playlist.
The big and annoying one however is that sometimes the player starts
playing 2 songs. I
Hello everyone,
I just uploaded some of my work on a new datatype for clojure to a git
A bit of the rationale and motivation for the datatype is described on
the github page. I basically wanted to create a datastructure for
manipulating l
I'm beginning to do more work in Clojure (just a side project for now,
but an interesting one).
A couple of things I'm missing from Clojure in terms of building &
deploying an application is built-in Ant tasks for common actions:
- Pre-compiling Clojure
- Starting up a REPL (and perhaps passing a
On May 1, 1:40 pm, Raoul Duke wrote:
> hi,
> has anybody experimented with using Clojure code from e.g. Scala, to
> get Clojure STM goodness in other languages?
The Clojure STM is just a Java library. You could use clojure.lang.Ref
and LockingTransaction directly from Java/Scala/etc.
Currently clojure.xml discards text nodes when they contain only
whitespace characters. Can this behavior be made optional?
Attached is a patch which adds a *preserve-whitespace* var (by defaul to
Professional: (fr)
On Clojure: http://c
>> (setq swank-clojure-binary "clojure")
>> (add-to-list 'slime-lisp-implementations
>> '(clojure ("/home/ghoseb/bin/clojure") :init
>> swank-clojure-init))
> It looks like you're using a wrapper script rather than letting
> swank-clojure construct a "java" command-line i
On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 12:10 AM, Stephen C. Gilardi wrote:
> On May 1, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Michael Wood wrote:
>> I don't think it's so hard and fast. I think of it more like somefunc
>> is the usual thing, and somefunc* is similar, but not as commonly
>> used. Maybe someone else has a better
2009/5/1 Rich Hickey
> On Apr 26, 6:54 pm, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> > I've created issue 110 with the patch attached in clojure's google code
> project.
> >
> >
> > Note: I strongly suggest that the clojure.version.interim property
> > remains true in svn, so that it's not possible to inadve