Robert Harrison
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ravav found it as well.
I have posted the infected file to the virus mbox
sigtool died 3 times trying to get the signature towards the end of the
If there is any way I can help to sort this out please let me know
Tomasz Kojm wrote:
Maybe it's time to form a "ClamAV database grou
Has any one had time to have a quick look at the infected funlove.4099
file I sent in ?
I have tried to create a sig using sigtool but it fell over with ravav.
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Yep, It's just that there are only a few people on the list.
The virus up dates are done quite regularly it appears, and new viruses
are added very quickly when sent in.
Well they were for me.
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Checking for a new database - started at Sat Nov 30 04:00:00 2002
viruses.db2 is up to date.
Database updated (containing in total 7295 signatures).
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Opps the sig file of db2 is around 7700
No idea what is in DB1 at the moment.
Why don't you install and have a go.
Very easy to do.
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It's updated several times a week.
And I have heard that there is going to be group updating the sig db
soon and this will give it a boost in the right direction.
Try running it along side a commercial scanner.
See how it performs.
Works fine for me after an error.
Does it still fail when manual update works fine ?
Is it possible that your firewall / access is restricted at the time you
do an update?
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