i´m running ClamAV in a RedHat 8 box with Sendmail
and MailScanner.
- i'd like to know how to not scan certain
file types for certain users
eg: don't scan .zip files for user x
- is it possible for ClamAV to know wich .exe
are bad and wich are good
eg: flash presentations are good
is it possible to stop ClamAV from scanning .zip files?
(RedHat 8; Sendmail; Mailscanner)
thank you
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i got the same message and decided to update
after that i ran freshclam to check the result, but get:
ClamAV update process started at Mon Apr 26 12:32:20 2004
Reading CVD header (main.cvd): OK
main.cvd is up to date (version: 22, sigs: 20229, f-level: 1, builder:
Reading CVD header (
IL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ricardo
Sent: 26 April 2004 12:44
Subject: [Clamav-users] installation update require - trouble !
i got the same message and decided to update
after that i ran freshclam to check the result, but get:
ClamAV update process started a
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Ricardo Bernardes
> yes
> i get the same error after freshclam:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sources]# freshclam
> ClamAV update process started at Mon Apr 26 15:07:04 2004
thanks a lot
i´ve solved the problem by deleting all files related to the old rpm,
uninstalling it and the, after
being certain that all file were gone, i've installed the new rpm.
my system kept the path to the old file so i had to copy the new ones
(executables) to these location
so that
ave put symlinks in the
old locations, not copied executablesthat's a good way to end up
with multiple versions down the line. if you make a symlink, then when
you upgrade in location a, location b now points to the correct
On Monday, April 26, 2004, at 01:02 PM, Ricardo Bernar
i´ve updated my installation and it required no downtime.
it´s really a simple process, once you have all dependecies in place
i've used the RPM file
>>What are the consequences of not upgrading? I'd have to plan