I need posix thread support under NetBSD, cause the clamd (an open
source virus scanner) needs pthreads. I tempted to use the mit-pthread
pachage from pkg-src but it's unfit for this task, cause required
pthread functions are'nt implemented yet.
At the moment I'am working with NetBSD 1
> Doesn't gnu-pth2 work under NetBSD for this purpose?
> Regards,
> Flinn
> On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 02:08 PM, Oliver Egginger wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I need posix thread support under NetBSD, cause the clamd (an open
hread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *,
> pthread_mutex_t *, const struct timespec *);
> Regards,
> Flinn
> On Wednesday, September 10, 2003, at 04:06 AM, Oliver Egginger wrote:
> Doesn't gnu-pth2 work under NetBSD fo
n /var/spool/mail/scan.
I see no error message anywhere. So I can't find the reason for this
hang-up. Every suggestion would be highly welcome.
Oliver Egginger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fachhochschule Giessen-Friedberg