Ang: [clamav-users] clamav site, and freshclam...

2003-03-18 Thread Nicklas Hardman
x27;s been down since sat march 15. Very strange Nicklas Hardman Univ. of Borås Sweden >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2003-03-18 05:14:52 >>> I'm unable to hit port 80 on ( I can trace completely to, I just can't connect to

Ang: [clamav-users] testing

2003-03-18 Thread Nicklas Hardman
Hi! I got your mail to the list but as you say the site is still down /Nicklas Hardman >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2003-03-17 21:53:09 >>> Testing...can't access clamav website and am not receiving messages from the list. -

[Clamav-users] Compilation errors on RH 7.2

2003-10-10 Thread Nicklas Hardman
Hi all! I just tried ti compile latest snapshot on my RH 7.2 machine with all the latest patches but I get a pile of errors regarding autoconf and auttomake like below. Any suggestions? There are no rpm:s with newer version of these bins for RH 7.2 Regards Nicklas Hardman Univ of Borås Sweden