Having no reply and no traffic at all in devel mailinglist, I repost it
Clamd leaks socket descriptors. Patch follows.
-- cut here --
--- clamav-20030403-orig/clamd/scanner.cFri Mar 21 15:17:05 2003
+++ clamav-20030403/clamd/scanner.c Sun May 11 15:25:50 2003
@@ -262,6 +262,7
When freschclam is compiled with GCC 3.x (3.2.3 and 3.3 tested) with
-O2 -march=i686 -fomit-frame-pointer or something like that, it begins
generating errors on run like
ERROR: Can't get viruses2.md5 sum from ╗av.elektrapro.com
but only if using proxy. With GCC 2.96 or without -fomit-frame-pointe
This is not-very-beautiful, but logically correct fix for http-proxy and
proxy-user support in freshclam. It fixes uninitialized pointers freeing,
Best regards,
(GPG Key ID: 4396B2D0, fingerprint: 648E C3FE ACF6 A730 FF52 D717 776D 1CB0 4396 B2D0)
diff -r -U 3 clamav-20030522-ori