[clamav-users] Are Win.Trojan.Shopperz and Win.Trojan.Uztuby-3 false positives?

2016-02-16 Thread Jean-D. Ackle
Hello, So... it seems I've been a "victim" of last week's False Positives... First I got so many files on a Windows partition "infected" by the Bancos trojan (detected by clamscan running from Linux) I quickly concluded that particular Windows setup was gone. I just noticed someone on the list say

Re: [clamav-users] Are Win.Trojan.Shopperz and Win.Trojan.Uztuby-3 false positives?

2016-02-17 Thread Jean-D. Ackle
Sorry about the misdirection on my greeting. It should have been: "Thank you for the answer, AL!" That's what happens when I'm writing a single message on two different computers and alternating between mail program and mail webpage... Às 18:24 de 17-02-2016, JD Ackle escreveu: > Thank you for th