Hi all,
I seem to be having some problem with clamd and logrotate. Logrotate
reloads clamd after rotating the logfile and creating a new one, but clamd
fails reload with the following :
Reloading log file:[FAILED]
It does the same if I t
On Dec 12, 2009, at 11:12 PM, Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Just a guess but I think the user that clam runs as does not have permission
> to
> create a new file in /var/log/clamav after rotate has removed it. When clam
> first starts it is often started as user root and then becomes the configured
On Dec 13, 2009, at 1:41 PM, G.W. Haywood wrote:
> FWIW I use logrotate for just about everything that logs, with almost
> no trouble. I did recently have to upgrade from a very old version of
> logrotate on a very old Red Hat system, but I can't remember now what
> exactly it was doing (or not do
On 4/11/07, Shane Wise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also saw this on two different servers yesterday...about 13 hours ago
> actually...didn't catch it until this morningwould really like to
> know whats going on.Had this happen two days ago on a different
> server as well...
Same here, t
On 4/11/07, Brian Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd say that it is more dangerous to stop mail delivery due to failed
> virus scanning than it is not to scan mail while clamd is unresponsive.
But then the potential for virus infected email to get through is
raised. While I realize that en
On 4/11/07, James Kosin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well,
> Deleting the database directory and restarting freshclam to get the
> databases again seems to have fixed the problem on both systems.
> This problem may be related to getting incremental updates and not
> being able to update the .CV
On 4/11/07, Lyle Giese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am amazed at the number of people here that apparently not using
> SOMETHING to monitor clamd. Esp. when the developers include a nice
> script to check and restart clamd.
I'm not sure it was a matter of not having clamd monitored, I think it
On 4/11/07, John Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Depends on what your goals are.
> For me, a reliable email system does not just mean "mail gets
> delivered". It also means that "we reliably reject detectable viruses".
> If we're letting viruses through because our pants are down (because
On 6/2/07, Bill Landry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Noel, I started seeing the same problem this evening with ClamAV
> 0.90.3. I finally had to recompile with --disable-experimental and
> everything has run fine here since. I wonder if you disable the
> experimental sections in the clamd.conf fil
Hi all,
How does everyone handle the clamav quarantine? I'm running clamav w/
qmail-scanner and every virus laden email gets put into the quarantine
folder... Is it even worth it to quarantine at all?
I did look through the archives, but I didn't see anything about
this... So,
On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 17:59, Eric Rostetter wrote:
> I run a cron job that deletes any directory more than 2 weeks old. If
Any directory older than 2 weeks? You have clamav quarantining into
multiple directories? How? :)
> they haven't claimed their files in 2 weeks, their more-or-less out of
On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 17:03:05 -0500 Jason Frisvold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> exclaimed:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > How does everyone handle the clamav quarantine? I'm running clamav
> > w/
> > qmail-scanner and every virus laden email gets put in
Hi all!
Is there a way to set up Daemontools to monitor and run freshclam?
Similar to how clamd is set up with daemontools? I want to ensure that
freshclam never dies for no apparent reason...
Jason H. Frisvold
Backbone Engineering Supervisor
On Wed, 2004-02-18 at 11:02, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
> Why do I feel that that would be outrageous? Are you saying that "you
> want freshclam permanently connected to the db servers"? How are you
> looking at it?
No, certainly not... I mean I want daemontools to monitor the freshclam daemon to
On Wed, 2004-02-18 at 12:52, Peter Bonivart wrote:
> Running it in daemon mode and monitoring that the daemon is still
> running doesn't mean you're connected to the db servers at all time.
> Where did you get that from?
Agreed... I want to monitor the process itself, not keep it connected
to t
Peter Bonivart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 2/18/2004 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] Freshclam and Daemontools
Jason Frisvold wrote:
> Why use daemontools to keep qmail or clamd running? T
On Thu, 2004-02-19 at 00:37, Sancho2k.net Lists wrote:
> The closest I could come is to getting a zombied instance of freshclam
> :( Here's the run script I used:
Same here... I believe it's because freshclam forks itself into the
background to daemonize... Which I don't believe is a bad thing,
On Thu, 2004-02-19 at 11:17, Thomas Lamy wrote:
> First: Please _dont_ top-post...
Sorry.. Outlook via web *REALLY* sucks... All I had available at the
time though...
> From my personal experience freshclam is _very_ stable, and doesn't
> need to run through daemontools. Also you can always r
._ 0DCA5A08407D5288279DB43454822DC8985A444B
>//\ /\ Wed Sep 22 20:28:11 CEST 2004
Jason Frisvold
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170
Project Admins to receive a
hat cause a HUGE amount of overhead? Esp on a server?
> knut
> --
Jason Frisvold
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170
Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for you
or mail servers. Instead its
> usefulness really stands out on a file server running samba.
Good point.. I'll have to look into this.. Might be worth it for our fileserver...
> Compare to Sophos's icheckd daemon.
I'll take a look ... Never heard of it though.. :)
> -Original Message-
> From: Vernon A. Fort [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] thank you
> I concur!! I did have problem with keeping freshclam and
> clamd running
> on previous version but with the release of .80, all process have
> continue to run flawlessl
y is, or how it works, but I'm a
little concerned that this was not blocked. Can anyone give me a little insight into
Jason Frisvold
lamav \
> --
> Ken Jones
Jason Frisvold
ts in a clean
The declude version was blocked, so I'm going to make a guess that maybe
virustest.org's version is broken?
> -Nigel
Jason Frisvold
as well..
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cur]# clamscan -V
ClamAV 0.80/578/Mon Nov 8 09:26:49 2004
> --
> Simon the stressedhttp://www.bpfh.net/
Jason Frisvold
oo. Tomasz Kojm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (\/)\. http://www.ClamAV.net/gpg/tkojm.gpg
> \..._ 0DCA5A08407D5288279DB43454822DC8985A444B
> //\ /\ Tue Nov 9 06:33:43 CET 2004
Jason Frisvold
content found in MIME attachment -
> potential virus
> Please contact WisperTel Support with any queries
> regarding this policy.
> The message sent to you had the following envelope:
Jason Frisvold
> -Original Message-
> Subject: RE: [Clamav-users] Amazon gift certs being blocked..
> --- Jason Frisvold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "I'm very distrustful of qmail-scanner's mime
> blocking, so I
lam yet, and if so, the name?
For those interested, that article is located here :
Jason Frisvold
> Hereford, UK
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> > Jason Frisvold
> > Subject: [Clamav-users] Virus Name
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > There is an arti
soon, were done to prevent scenarios such as this. I knew it was just a
matter of time. That time is, apparently, now.
> --
> Brian Morrison
My apologies for not being clear in the first place.
Jason Frisvold
the world.
> (Even though I don't know anyone besides Bill Gates, who
> gifted 500.000.000$
> for wellfare at once.)
Some would argue that welfare is not good for the world... :P
> Regards,
> Steffen
I think this has drifted
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Update 4)
> > Kernel 2.4.21-20.0.1.EL on an i686
> >
> > or another rpm package ?
I have RPMs and SRPMs for 0.83 available here : http://www.godshell.com/toaster
Jason Frisvold
> Hal
> ___
> http://lists.clamav.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users
Jason Frisvold
On 5/5/05, Josh Ansbridge Rutland ICT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Am currently looking into integrating clamav with the openwebmail project and
> have been asked to find out if it is possible to install the clamav on
> different / selected virtual sites eg. one of 3 virtual sites wou
Hi all,
Just a quick question. I didn't see RAR 3 support highlighted in the
release notes, but I know that it was mentioned that RAR 3 support is
in CVS. Can I assume that this support is not yet ready, and thus not
in 0.85?
Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold
On 5/12/05, Trog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The 0.8x versions are predominantly bug fix releases.
> As the RAR code has been completely re-written (including RAR version 1
> and 2 support), it is currently scheduled for the 0.90 release, which
> will have a longer testing period due to the new
On 5/12/05, Phil Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thats fine and dandy when you only have one box to upgrade. I think
> the original question is valid. .84 lasted what? Week and a half,
> maybe two. And yes I am a contributor.
I package it in an RPM and use up2date (or preferred rpm handl
On 5/12/05, Tomasz Kojm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "the RAR code has been completely re-written"
> and now Trog holds all licensing restrictions :-)
Gotcha.. :) I thought it was more of a "the creator of rar 3 wasn't
allowing anyone to create unrar programs without paying him tons of
On 5/17/05, Dennis Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You said it shouldn't log to / and there's no reason it shouldn't if that
> is where one wishes it to log. There's lots of reasons why that would be a
> bad idea, but it's an admin decision, not an application issue.
It sounds like clam is c
Hi all,
The clamd process on one of my mail servers appears to have locked up
earlier today. I was unable to restart or kill the process. In fact,
I had to do a hard reset to fix the problem.
So, Im wondering what steps I can take next time to a) determine why
clamd has locked up, b) gather suf
On 5/27/05, Samuel Benzaquen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If the process is trying some I/O to some not-available, hard-mounted NFS
> filesystem, then the process will not die with 'kill -9'.
> Just a thought.
I use NFS to mount the user mail directories, but clam should never
touch that. The
On 7/27/05, Salvatore Basso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ..now I have already installed clamav 0.86.1, therefore I must however to
> install a clamav version 0.86.1 with source package 0.86.1 ??
> still thanks.
I can put my RPMs up on the web if anyone's interested..
> Salvatore.
On 7/27/05, Salvatore Basso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> .. I think this is a good idea !! :-)
Ok, they're up there.. http://www.godshell.com/toaster
Click on the toaster link and they're in the clamav section.
> Salvatore.
Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold
On 11/8/05, David Shows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is the correct ClamAV rpm for Redhat Linux Enterprise 3, and where
> can I find it?
You can find a version here :
> Thanks,
> David Shows
> MegaGate Broadband
Jason 'XenoPh
On 11/16/05, Giorgio Biondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have look on DAG rpm database, but the last version 0.87-1
> Someone have this packages, or know where get it?
Check here : http://www.godshell.com/toaster
I have both a pre-bult RPM there which works on RH9, or you can
Hi all,
I could use some debug tips. I have clamav installed on CentOS 4.0
along side qmail, spamassassin, simscan and some other software. I've
been running 0.88.7 since it's release with no problems. In fact,
I've been running Clamav since pre 0.80 without any issues.
I've compiled clamav w
On 2/15/07, Tomasz Kojm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At least some basic information, eg. how you compiled ClamAV, did you use
--enable-experimental, platform details, etc.
I have the same problem on my systems. Or, rather, I have the dying
problem. It could be load related, but I'm not sure.
On 2/15/07, Török Edvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Follow the instructions here http://www.clamav.net/bugs/ on how to get
a backtrace of clamd. You need to start clamd, then attach gdb to the
running process, and wait for it to crash. Then open a bugreport, and
attach all the info.
Excellent, t
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