[Clamav-users] Cannot Compile

2004-09-04 Thread Felipe Tonioli
oads/Mail-ClamAV-0.11/_Inline/build/Mail/ClamAV' as an option, i dunno why... normaly i edit the Mafkefile to delete this option and work.. but with Mail::ClamAV looks like he rebuild the make file befora compile evrytime .. so, he add the option again. does any one have the solution ?

Re: [Clamav-users] Cannot Compile

2004-09-05 Thread Felipe Tonioli
I´m using gcc version 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7) Fedora Core 2 Any know problem ? tks Felipe Tonioli *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 05/09/2004 at 00:03 Kevin Spicer wrote: >On Sat, 2004-09-04 at 23:05, Felipe Tonioli wrote: >> normaly i edit the Mafkefile

[Clamav-users] Cannot update virus database

2006-04-11 Thread Felipe Tonioli
from DNS: 37 main.cvd is up to date (version: 37, sigs: 46700, f-level: 7, builder: ccordes) daily.cvd version from DNS: 1393 ERROR: Can't get information about database.clamav.net: Unrecoverable DNS error Connection with database.clamav.net (IP: ???) failed. -- Felipe To

RE: [Clamav-users] Cannot update virus database

2006-04-12 Thread Felipe Tonioli
b.america1.clamav.net: NXDOMAIN I solved the update problem adding a DatabaseMirror. Tks in advance, Felipe Tonioli > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rob MacGregor > Sent: quarta-feira, 12 de abril de 2006 04:18 > To: