Hi Sarah,
Our clamav-announce emailer isn't supposed to require approval from the list
admin in order to subscribe, thought it does require confirmation from an email
so others can't just sign you up.
It seems like that setting changed on its own somewhere around early October,
2023. I mostly
Hi Mikhail,
The growing size of the main and daily databases is a concern for me as well
and has been for a few years. I have a plan to archive older signatures that do
not appear to be relevant anymore. This plan requires some extensive changes to
some SQL databases and middleware that builds
I have set up cvdupdate on my server and apache to serve the files - no
issues there, cvdupdate checks and gets the latest updates.
Issue is with downstream servers. I can curl the files directly, but
freshclam wont get them.
I've set the following in freshclam.conf:
DNSDatabaseInfo no