I run clamav on linux, but I also have windows 7 installed.
I mounted the windows partition and ran a clamav scan,
which found the following viruses:
/mnt/windows/Windows/System32/cliconfg.exe: Win.Virus.Expiro-9965977-0
> I run clamav on linux, but I also have windows 7 installed.
> I mounted the windows partition and ran a clamav scan,
> which found the following viruses:
> /mnt/windows/Windows/System32/cliconfg.exe: Win.Virus.Expiro-9965977-0
> /mnt/windows/Windows/System32/spool/tools/PrintBrmEngine.exe:
> >
> > I run clamav on linux, but I also have windows 7 installed.
> > I mounted the windows partition and ran a clamav scan,
> > which found the following viruses:
> >
> > /mnt/windows/Windows/System32/cliconfg.exe: Win.Virus.Expiro-9965977-0
> > /mnt/windows/Windows/System32/spool/tools/PrintBrm
Submit them to http://www.clamav.net/reports/fp.
Sent from my iPad
> On May 11, 2024, at 08:07, Richard via clamav-users
> wrote:
> I run clamav on linux, but I also have windows 7 installed.
> I mounted the windows partition and ran a clamav scan,
> which found the following viru