[clamav-users] local wdb file to ignore specific URL

2023-06-19 Thread joe a
A good while back I created a local wdb file to ignore heuristic checks for a couple of specific emails. Worked well, till the other day. Seems one of the (monthly) emails I get changed one of the URL links. Now, I cannot seem to get these recognized. Do changes to local files like wdb's r

Re: [clamav-users] local wdb file to ignore specific URL

2023-06-19 Thread newcomer01 via clamav-users
i don't work with clamd and use a wdb file too. its only important, that you have set /etc/init.d/clamav-deamon to proper mode, the default 0644 (no execution for all) in my case don't work and clamscan ignores my wdb file (sure, nobody is able to execute the deamon with the default mode). Vo

Re: [clamav-users] local wdb file to ignore specific URL

2023-06-19 Thread joe a
On 6/19/2023 10:08 AM, joe a wrote: A good while back I created a local wdb file to ignore heuristic checks for a couple of specific emails. Worked well, till the other day.  Seems one of the (monthly) emails I get changed one of the URL links.  Now, I cannot seem to get these recognized. D