Hi there,
On Tue, 13 Mar 2012, Forrest Aldrich wrote:
I've run into a quirky issue with installing ClamAV from an NFS mount.
It's what you're doing that's quirky. :)
I do this to keep the same code available to all my systems. I have
separate mounts for 32- and 64-bit.
For something like
Hmm, my script is a bit more complex as it:
- unzip & untar
- configure
- make && make check
- backs up the current clamav directory (who knows...)
- backs up the configuration files
- disable the clamav service (I'm running on Solaris)
- make uninstall (from the previous build directory)
- make in
When reporting issues (not sure if you have done this already)
It would help to to Identify the operating system you are using. copy and past
the exact error message.
"Unix code" has no meaning.
If you can not follow multi-step instruction as it has been mentioned before,
perhaps ClamAV is
As in administrator I would be very afraid to automate the installation or
updating of any software.
Are you doing many machines? If so, and they all use the same OS, why not build
on one, and just distribute the build to all the others?
Just sharing :)
> From: deha...@drever.be
> To: clama
No, I just install on a few mail filtering machines, all Solaris... and the
script is not automated:
it asks for confirmation before doing each step and it shows output of
commands, so you can
stop the script, verify, fix, etc, and restart, skip some steps already done,
and complete the
[ .. ]
I do this to keep the same code available to all my systems. I have
separate mounts for 32- and 64-bit.
For something like ClamAV, I don't see the point. You seem to be
making it harder for yourself than it needs to be.
This is a matter of opinion :-) My goal is to have the code all NF
On 3/13/12 1:02 PM, Pierre Dehaen wrote:
No, I just install on a few mail filtering machines, all Solaris... and the
script is not automated:
it asks for confirmation before doing each step and it shows output of
commands, so you can
stop the script, verify, fix, etc, and restart, skip some s