Hi there,
The clamav-milter manpage says
"-Q, --quarantine=EMAILADDRESS
If this e-mail address is given, messages containing a virus or
worm are redirected to it."
However it doesn't say that if you use this option then infected mail
will be accepted rather than rejected. I don't see why i
It would be necessary for reference reasons. I have all infected
messages send to a special "virus" account on my e-mail server so I can
later go back and read headers or what not to determine where it came
from should I see a ton of the same virus. It's also handy to have a
virus on file to se
G.W. Haywood wrote:
> Hi there,
> The clamav-milter manpage says
> "-Q, --quarantine=EMAILADDRESS
> If this e-mail address is given, messages containing a virus or
> worm are redirected to it."
> However it doesn't say that if you use this option then infected mail
> will be accepted ra
Would you kindly help me?
I'd like to know how to disable sending of notification to Administrator
users. When a Virus is found by ClamAV, a notification email is sent to
original sender and Administrator.
I have read the list archives and not found a way fit me.
My environment as following
I would like to know whether ClamAV is going to have any new features
added into it, in its new release, also what all stuffs will be incorporated in
its new releases or there will be bug fixes etc, what's future plans.
Dont know whether this is proper mailing list for my quest
"G.W. Haywood" schrieb:
> "-Q, --quarantine=EMAILADDRESS
> If this e-mail address is given, messages containing a virus or
> worm are redirected to it."
> However it doesn't say that if you use this option then infected mail
> will be accepted rather than rejected.
How would you redirect