Hi, Tomasz
I've followed your advice to change running user from 'clamav' to 'root', but it still
did not work. Any other possibility to cause it?
Following is status of my system:
Tue Oct 15 09:59:31 2002 -> +++ Started at Tue Oct 15 09:59:31 2002
Tue Oct 15 09:59:31 2002 -> Log file size
>* These is no '254 dazuko' in /proc/devices *
step by step:
$ cd clamav-xxx/support/dazuko
$ tar zxpvf dazuko-.tar.gz
$ cd dazuko-
$ make dazuko
$ su -c "insmod dazuko.o; clamd"
(hope you have /dev/dazuko correctly created)
Best regards,
Tomasz Kojm
oo. [EM
Hello World,
Is anyone using clamav with Exim (4.1) on FreeBSD and willing to share their
Thanks in advance.
Odhiambo Washington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "The box said 'Requires
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