Monday, December 12, 2022 7:25 PM
To: ClamAV users ML
Cc: Andy Ragusa (aragusa)
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] linux.cvd database question
The linux.cvd is kept up to date with linux-specific signatures, but obviously
doesn't have the coverage that the rest of the signature
11:10 PM
Cc: Jimmy F
Subject: [clamav-users] linux.cvd database question
Hi, question re the linux.cvd database. Our company has a number of Linux
laptops running with 8 gigs of memory. We need AV for compliance reasons, and
would like to use ClamAV, but the
Hi, question re the linux.cvd database. Our company has a number of Linux
laptops running with 8 gigs of memory. We need AV for compliance reasons,
and would like to use ClamAV, but the 1.2G memory footprint is a bit much,
so we're looking at possibly using just the linux.cvd database which is