co Systems, Inc.
From: clamav-users on behalf of
Newcomer01 via clamav-users
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 11:23 AM
To: ClamAV users ML
Cc: Newcomer01
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Long database load time, long clamscan scan time
Dear Micah,
thanks for this information
Dear Micah,
thanks for this information. Please let us know, if the problem is solved.
By the way, what is Cisco's or Talo's definition of the word "daily"?
Means that, on every day beginning on 12 am?
Kind regards
Am 1. März 2023 18:59:57 schrieb "Micah Snyder \(micasnyd\) via
We're aware of the issue with the latest daily database update causing
extremely long database load times and thus extremely long clamscan scan times.
We found the issue and will push out a fix as soon as we are able. We are also
preparing guardrails so that this won't happen again in thi