On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 at 21:55:27 +0100, Christoph Cordes wrote:
> you want to know how many updates were released, just take a look at
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum=clamav-virusdb
Seems that SF.net has some problems with ML archives.
Try also
On Sunday, February 22, 2004, 8:19:13 PM, Rajkumar S wrote:
RS> Starbane wrote:
>> Considering the speed at which this was added to the database (and the
>> last three major mail worms that got treated similarly) I'm just
>> terribly impressed with the ClamAV devs.
RS> I run ClamAV for our local
Starbane wrote:
Considering the speed at which this was added to the database (and the
last three major mail worms that got treated similarly) I'm just
terribly impressed with the ClamAV devs.
I run ClamAV for our local ISP, and I too have been similarly impressed.
I am now preparing a talk abou
Considering the speed at which this was added to the database (and the
last three major mail worms that got treated similarly) I'm just
terribly impressed with the ClamAV devs.
So far, Clamav has beaten our proprietary av solution (InoculateIT, or
eTrust Antivirus, or whatever CA is calling it