Thanks again for your answer,
> If you want trashscan to stop sending emails,
> edit the trashscan file (remember is a shell script) and remove the
> lines that creates the message
I'm not talking about the virus message, I'm talking about the message
that ClamAV sends to root saying "File succe
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I can't answer the first question for you, but it is a good one... my
best guess on it though is up until now, metamail was good enough to do
the job. Gibe.F is a different beast that makes decoding more
As for the file creation deal, if
> As suggested to me, use uudeview (see script for details) It makes a
> world of difference!
Thanks for the answer. That did seem to do the trick, at least for the 3
virii I've gotten since I've changed trashscan to use uudeview.
First question: Why is this not mentioned in the README for
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As suggested to me, use uudeview (see script for details) It makes a
world of difference! However you may need to install uudeview on your
system, my RH 7.1 did not have it installed by default.
On Thursday, September 25, 2003, at 10:20 AM, Jean-Séb
I have a setup where procmail passes messages through SpamAssassin, and
then through clamav (using the trashscan 0.08 script). This is getting
most spam and virii I get, but some still get through. I have compared
some of those that get through with some of the ones that get caught by