is it possible to disable official virus database? I would like to use
only custom database. Thanks for info.
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> Od: "Moti @ OnlineBackupVault.com"
> Komu:
> Dátum: 12.02.2013 15:05
> Predmet: [clamav-users] Virus/Malware URL Scanner
>I would like to build a malware/virus URL scanner/cleaner based on ClamAV
>If you haven't tried changing the Country Code, that might exclude it, but
>not if it's close to where you are located.
Trie, it didn't help.
>You only need to download the main.cvd once a year or so, right? So why is
>this a problem worth your time to solve?
I'm doing automated install of
is it somehow possible to exclude a database mirror? The mirror
clamav.mojhosting.sk is s slow that freshclam is freezeing while
downloading main.cvd (download takes about 30 minutes). Everything is ok from
other mirrors. Thank you.
i was trying to send files with viruses for several weeks via submit form on
address http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi but _NONE_ of these viruses were
added and ClamAV still can't recognize them (they can be recognized for example
by Avira). I even can't see anything related to my viruse