8:14 AM
To: Leveille, Gerald via clamav-users
Cc: G.W. Haywood
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] clamav scan of changed files
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Categorization: Unclassified
I would like to know what would be the best way to do a virus scan of changed
or new files only. I want to run a daily scan of changed and new files during
weekdays and run a full scan on weekends.
I did some search and was able to find a few ways of doing it bu
Thank you,
It works with suggested command. Thank you again
-Original Message-
From: clamav-users On Behalf Of G.W.
Haywood via clamav-users
Sent: September 8, 2020 2:16 PM
To: Leveille, Gerald via clamav-users
Cc: G.W. Haywood
Subject: Re
Categorization: Unclassified
I am a fairly new with ClamAV. When I run a scan (ex. clamscan --infected
--recursive /home) on a Linux Server, a Scan Summary report is generated, is it
possible to add/generate the Host name in the Scan Summary so that when looking
at the summary I can see th