I managed to significantly reduce the problems of very long analysis, more than
400sec on some emails. Not by disabling PhishingSignatures that did not work.
But putting: PCRERecMatchLimit to 1.
The PCRE analyzes are thus bypassed, but SafeBrawsing and the other scans
continue to work. Is
g the clamdscan process will not interrupt the clamd thread
performing the scan.
From: clamav-users mailto:clamav-users-boun...@lists.clamav.net> > on behalf of JME via
clamav-users mailto:clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> >
Reply-To: ClamAV users ML mailto:clamav-use
Some email scan are very slow. This is happening more and more often, and
seems more related to Clamd's demime problems than real email attachments
Here is an example of an email that takes several minutes to analyze:
# time clamdscan 1hDTxy-0002Dk-Lc.eml