Hi all,
anybody knows where I can get an rpm package for clamav 0.87 for redhat 9?
I would rather install an rpm than build one from source...(which I
already have but can't seem to run the daemon properly..i.e.
/usr/local/sbin/clamd start doesnt give an "ok" nor an error message but
when I l
Hi all,
anybody knows where I can get an rpm package for clamav 0.87 for redhat 9?
I would rather install an rpm than build one from source...(which I already
have but can't seem to run the daemon properly..i.e. /usr/local/sbin/clamd
start doesnt give an "ok" nor an error message but when I l
.jotti.org, virustotal.com, malwareupload.com, and
> webimmune.net.
Make that three variants. I've sent the ClamAV team have a sample of
the latest one (which only McAfee detected).
I just submitted one that jotti.org shows BitDefender calls
but my copy of BitDefend
was found:
multipart/mixed | application/octet-stream,.zip,new__price.zip |
Scanner detecting a virus: ClamAV-clamd
D.J. Fan
Sep 12th, 12:24 Mountain Daylight Time
AntiVir Found DR/Bagle.P
ArcaVir Found
was found:
multipart/mixed | application/octet-stream,.zip,new__price.zip |
Scanner detecting a virus: ClamAV-clamd
D.J. Fan
Dont just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
daemons, I still get an access
denied error that only seems to solve itself with a reboot.
D.J. Fan
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!
d only thing I install from unstable.
So, you have publically shamed me into getting my act back together :)
0.86.1 is up on people.debian.org/~sgran. voltile may take some time
I think you do a great job, I don't think there is an easier way to instal
bonar wrote:
> And this is the email that I got,
> A message sent from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to
> contained Eicar-Test-Signature and has not been delivered.
> The message in question has been quarantined as
> /usr/local/clamav-0.85.1/quarantine/050603/j534nVeE
Just wanted to toss out a kudos to the ClamAV team. ClamAV has caught
every variant of Mytob thrown at it so far as W32/Mytob.AS, while most
other AV scanners struggle to keep their signatures up to date and end up
being a day or more late in detecting variants. Some, such as Symantec
still d
Actually, the other way around, add amavis to the clamav group,
usermod -G clamav amavis
then add:
to the clamd.conf file, and restart both clamd and amavis-new.
Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CNX
Austin Energy
I apoligize, I misunderstood. It probably works either way. I
Actually, the other way around, add amavis to the clamav group,
usermod -G clamav amavis
then add:
to the clamd.conf file, and restart both clamd and amavis-new.
gpasswd works differently, and is safer to use in this case than usermod.
If someone does not capitalize the "G"
does that socket file exist? does whatever user clamd is running as
have write access to it?
On Mon, 2005-04-04 at 16:29 +0200, Souza Simbota wrote:
> Hello,
> I have noticed there is a delay in my mail server operations . I tried
> send a test mail to myself an hour ago but I haven't
I'm having a problem getting clamd to start. I'm using the
clamav09.80rc3-1 rpm. I tried setting up the clamav milter and I enabled
LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock. When I try starting it, I get this
Why is this happening? I'm not sure how to turn off the local mode.
I don't k
From: agenteo I've installed the clamav (clamav clamav-base clamav-deamon
clamav-freshclean alibclamav1) debian packages taken from
Are you also using amavisd-new?
FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Tool
From: Crucificator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I have an install as posted in subject. The problem is that although BANNED
response find sender:
Our content checker found
banned name: P=p002,M=application/x-msdownload,T=dat,N=KaHT.exe
in an emai
Sean Hafeez wrote:
I have a 384k line and someone is trying to send me a 100mb
pdf. Can I
set the time line higher or set it to just let the file thru?
Have them burn it to a CD and send it to you.
Dont just search. Find. Check
Jim wrote:
After I upgraded clamav via apt-get I now get an error during restart of
This is on a debian system and the error created is:
/etc/init.d/clamav-daemon restart
Restarting clamav daemon: clamdERROR: Parse error at line 10: Unknown
option ThreadTimeout.
D.J. Fan wrote:
I just received 3 emails with a subject of 'foto' or 'fotos'
and a zip attachment named 'foto.zip' with 'calc.exe' and 'foto.htm'
contained therein that passed through 3 different scanners undetected.
This is Trojan.Dropper.Small-11
I just received 3 emails with a subject of 'foto' or 'fotos'
and a zip attachment named 'foto.zip' with 'calc.exe' and 'foto.htm'
contained therein that passed through 3 different scanners undetected.
I don't want to infect my own machine by opening it.
Can I forward it to someone to check it out?
At 08:06 21.08.2004 -0600, you wrote:
That"s why the new method of using DNS
to cache the version number will be a much better solution and I think
it will allow more frequent checks without burdening the mirrors and
shifting the load to the DNS infrastructure.
I am not a DNS expert by any means an
That"s why the new method of using DNS
to cache the version number will be a much better solution and I think
it will allow more frequent checks without burdening the mirrors and
shifting the load to the DNS infrastructure.
I am not a DNS expert by any means and I may be way off in left
field here
No matter how often you check for new sigs, you'll always have at least
several hours between a new worm hits the Net and a signature comes to your
local antivirus installation.
IMHO to the question : "What do I do ?" the most logical answer is :
"explain to your users what a new virus is and h
But i have a problem here. Assume that clam updates are published at
6:10 Pm. I check for new updates at 6:05 so the next time i gonna
check is at 7:05 it just means that after 55 mins i got the updates.
And within this 55 minutes thousands and thousands of say ..a worm
which is in wild arrives to
sudo crontab -e
add at the end
*/10 * * * * /path/to/freshclam --quiet
NO! Once an hour is reasonable, but not 6 times an hour!
I agree, I think a better way is to add a file to the /etc/cron.d
directory with the contents of the file:
# m h dom mon dow user command
11 */2 * * * clamav /path/to/fr
also, where can i configure clamav to send a notification if when a virus
is detected?
You configure amavisd to send notification.
Uncomment and edit to meet your needs:
# $virus_admin = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
You may also want to configure and enable:
#$mailfrom_notify_admin = "[EMAIL PROTECTED
It should tell you that it's trying again. Yes, it does that in the
syslog, and the --quiet tells it to be less noisy, but for those of us
running cronjobs, the *only* output we want is failure notices, and any
corrective action it might take. I think it should be a simple change
to have the "Try
Nigel Horne wanted us to know:
>Should, I presume, read --disable-clamav and why have you used with-user
Sounds right (fix spelling and only one with-user).
>It seems to be Linux specific.
Definitely is.
maybe should be
./configure --disable-clamav --with-user=amavis --with-group=amavis
Aug 9 08:51:12 mail amavis[22421]: (22421-05) Clam Antivirus-clamd:
Can"t connect to UNIX socket /var/run/amavis/clamd.ctl: No such file or
directory, retrying (3)
This may help you:
Configuring ClamAV (clamd) for use with amavisd-new HOWTO
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