> I don't see how that is even remotely possibly. They are three completely
> different hash signatures:
We have whitelisted certain signatures for files which are only detected by
ClamAV to be potentially malicious. And now we face the problem that the
same files are reported again, but with a different signature. I already had
this behaviour when I tested with the EICAR test virus.
The signat
Good Morning,
> Here are some other signatures that create many messages:
> Html.Malware.Agent-6625159-0
> Html.Malware.Agent-6625162-0
> Html.Malware.Agent-6625209-0
These stopped being reported this morning at around 04:00 our time (CEST).
Currently, there is one signature left which I beli
Hi Joel,
> >> The reported files are mostly jar files used by our applications
> >> (e.g. httpclient-*.jar, httpcore-*.jar in different versions). These
> >> are the signatures which produce most of the reports:
> >> Html.Malware.Agent-6625161-0
> >> Html.Malware.Agent-6625163-0
> >> Html.Malware.
Since Saturday (2018-07-28) we are seeing many reports from clamscan having
found (possibly) infected files. I suspect these are false positives because
the files on virustotal.com returns only clamav reporting them as infected.
The reported files are mostly jar files used by our