[Clamav-users] Submitting a virus file

2005-04-19 Thread Albert Pauw
I have submitted two executables more than a week ago. They were found by the AVG virusscanner (amongst others) as Downloader.Small.21.AY and Downloader.Small.22.K, but it seems they are not incorporated into updates. How long does it usually take for a submission to enter the updates? Thanks,

[Clamav-users] Virus found, not detected by Clamav, can't submit (claimed already recognised but is not)

2004-07-27 Thread Albert Pauw
I found an already older virusmail (February this year) which was recognised by inocucmd and tried to feed it to clamav (0.75. main.cvd 24, daily.cvd 423). It didn't recognise it (I used the --mbox option). However when I tried to submit it, the page came back saying that it already is recogni