hello everyone
i can see that there are different types of signatures in clamAV.
there is md5 hashes, rules, byte signatures.. etc
when I do a scan on a file, does clamav extract only one of signature of
the file or does it extract multiple of signatures of the same file and
then compare it with
Arnaud thanks for your help man, it worked!
I much appreciate your help :)
. . . . .
> On May 5, 2017, at 11:56 AM, Arnaud Jacques / SecuriteInfo.com
> wrote:
> Hello,
>> $ sigtool --mdb * > home/test/Documents/CustomDB.mdb
>> But when i do clamscan and let clam use this database it
Hello everyone!
I'm having a trouble with custom databases.
I have 600 malware samples stored in "/Downloads/exe" and used sigtool to
create a signature database that only contain signatures of those 600 malware
samples, so i navigated the command line to point to /Downloads/exe and then
did t