Hello Steve,
Thank you for your explanation.
I found that last occurrence was about 11:22 CET so I'm not affected now.
When I get information about this problem this was on my whitelist as you wrote.
Anyway I know what was happen.
Once again - thank you!
-Original Message--
> Finally I found where this signature is located
> sigwhitelist.ign2:CRDF.Malware-Generic.3661413036
> Does someone know how can I bypass this signature? Which command?
Hi Pawel,
Just to add, that seeing the signature in sigwhitelist.ign2 means that
signature is in your whitelist already..
> Hello,
> I found a problem with false positive malware
> CRDF.Malware-Generic.3661413036.UNOFFICIAL. I wanted to decode and bypass
> this signature but it looks like this can be an image signature or another
> type of signature
Hi Pawel
CRDF.Malware-Generic.3661413036 was whitelisted/removed
I found a problem with false positive malware
CRDF.Malware-Generic.3661413036.UNOFFICIAL. I wanted to decode and bypass this
signature but it looks like this can be an image signature or another type of
/usr/local/sbin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh -d
Input a third-party signatur
TCPAddr is the IP address ClamAV daemon listen on. It should be set to as long as you are not using ClamAV server accepting files to
scan from other hosts.
On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Joshua Soulwin Malayappan <
joshua_malayap...@infosys.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you please let me