On 26/04/2010 3.40, Tech Color printer wrote:
> I got the following message from rpm when installing clamav:
> /sbin/ldconfig: /lib/libnss_winbind.so is not a symbolic link
> /sbin/ldconfig: /lib/libnss_wins.so is not a symbolic link
> checking these files, I see:
> /home/wlist]# ls -la /lib/
I got the following message from rpm when installing clamav:
/sbin/ldconfig: /lib/libnss_winbind.so is not a symbolic link
/sbin/ldconfig: /lib/libnss_wins.so is not a symbolic link
checking these files, I see:
/home/wlist]# ls -la /lib/libnss_winbind.so
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root17956
Eduardo wrote:
Yes I always use --prefix=/usr and --sysconfdir=/etc but I don´t
know why
clamav was instaled lib in usr/local too
now clamav is working fine
Thank´s a lot for your help
best regards
The following may have no bearing on your particular installation and
just throwing it o
Eduardo wrote:
Yes I always use --prefix=/usr and --sysconfdir=/etc but I don´t
know why
clamav was instaled lib in usr/local too
now clamav is working fine
Thank´s a lot for your help
best regards
I could be from some very old. installa
Sarocet wrote:
The new hostname updates would still have needed the kill signature.
Otherwise, you have the same problem as before, but with a different
Someone wasn't reading. The scheme was to remove the original
hostname BEFORE using any updates that would kill the software. At
Hash: SHA1
Jim Preston wrote:
> On Apr 23, 2010, at 8:01 AM, Frank Bures wrote:
>> I've seen lots of problems with db.ca.clamav.net mirror in the last
>> couple
>> of days. I am getting
>> freshclam[31063]: getfile: Error while reading database from
>> db.
Simon Hobson wrote:
> If anyone was running an old enough 0.95 version, then their software
> wouldn't have died, they would have seen update errors in their logs,
> and the fix would have been to change just one or two hostnames in
> their freshclam.conf.
The new hostname updates would still hav
# freshclam
ClamAV update process started at Fri Apr 23 07:32:22 2010 main.cld is
up to date (version: 52, sigs: 704727, f-level: 44, builder: sven)
Trying host db.br.clamav.net (
Downloading daily-10746.cdiff [100%]
freshclam: relocation error: freshclam: symbol cli_versig2, ver