Hello all,
I noticed that the memory usage of clamd (latest version) is to high.
about 7,4% of my servers ram.
That's 148 MB. I know that's a known Issue, but is there a possibility
to make the usage less?
Thank you.
Dimas Korbmacher
If I want to understand why an email was considered to be a thread due
to a particular rule/signature, for example Email.Phishing.Webmail-5,
where do I look for more information?
I grep'd all the files on my system associated with ClamAV and the
only file I could find Email.Phishing.Webmail-5 in wa
Frédéric SOSSON wrote:
I've added ClamukoScanOnOpen in my clamd.conf and clam daemon displays
"Missing argument for option at line 122" (the line where
ClamukoScanOnOpen is located) then "Can't open/parse the config file
/etc/clamav/clamd.conf". If I remove ClamukoScanOnOpen , the daemon
On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 17:35:24 +0200
Frédéric SOSSON wrote:
> Hello,
> I've added ClamukoScanOnOpen in my clamd.conf and clam daemon displays
> "Missing argument for option at line 122" (the line where
> ClamukoScanOnOpen is located) then "Can't open/parse the config file
> /etc/clamav/clamd.con
I've added ClamukoScanOnOpen in my clamd.conf and clam daemon displays
"Missing argument for option at line 122" (the line where
ClamukoScanOnOpen is located) then "Can't open/parse the config file
/etc/clamav/clamd.conf". If I remove ClamukoScanOnOpen , the daemon
starts well.
Any idea ?
Frédéric SOSSON wrote:
thanks for your answer
I would like to know, now, how to be notified if virus database is too old
Use freshclam on a cron job and get it to mail you the results.
I'm fairly sure all this is in the FAQ, it's certainly available on
Google, you might want to check there i
thanks for your answer
I would like to know, now, how to be notified if virus database is too old
2009/9/16 li...@truthisfreedom.org.uk :
> Frédéric SOSSON wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to know how to configure clamd to write in a specific
>> file if a virus is found.
> Checko