OK, now we have to figure out weather or not we're having a problem with
binding the UNIX or TCP port, what does your config say for TCPSocket
and LocalSocket?
Also 777 for /var/run may not be the best security, 765 is probably
better, but in your /etc/group file, you should add the clamav user
Ok, set /var/run to 777, and that eliminated the error message about
but still get bind() error
Sat Dec 28 11:38:22 2002 -> +++ Started at Sat Dec 28 11:38:22 2002
Sat Dec 28 11:38:22 2002 -> Log file size limited to 1048576 bytes.
Sat Dec 28 11:
Check out the clamav.conf file... In the file, there are two locations
you want to check...
The first entry is LocalSocket it set to /tmp/clamd by default. Set this
to somewhere that clamd can write to with its UID/GID. /tmp is the best,
but that requires perms to /tmp.
The second entry is TCP