I have a week old load so this might be fixed.I completely re programmed all my channels. I want to print the list. I can get the page preview just fine. But when it goes to print, an image flashes on screen and disappeared. I can't see what the image is. Any help, much appreciated.73--Sent from my
Radio is irrelevant. Last week's chirp. After uploading data to the radio I want to print the frequency page. I select print preview which displays the page as it would print.Click print and something flashes on screen for a fraction of a second and disappears.Nothing get sent to my printer. -
Well, Went to duplicate the problem, but first loaded the latests version of Chirp_Next.
Also Microsoft update was waiting so ran the update too.
Now all is good. Printed for both my Baofeng and my Anytone tri band mobile.
I dont know which but one thing or another fixed it.
Guess I dont need t
Check comm ports. Usually 3 or 4. Should show the chip in your cable.--Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.On 7/16/23, 9:27 AM John Oliver wrote:
I hear nothing. No sign that anything is being received.
On Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 9
ow in Windows, Device Manager can be used.
On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 12:31 PM Rich Gilbertson <na...@email.com> wrote:
Check comm ports. Usu
7;t get to the radio.
Figured you shouild know so when you have plenty of extra time to mess with it you might find it interesting.
Rich Gilbertson
PS: I had to shrink the images because my mail tool limits the attached file sizes.