I would guess you're using the wrong device driver for your cable with Windows.
> On 05/01/2021 20:23 Mark Dixon wrote:
> Hi Billy
> I find that I can only get Chirp to work with my BaoFeng UV-5REs when I
> do it with Linux. I get the same as you when I use Windows. It might be
> the c
Only with Windows. Linux and OSX don't have com ports.
> On 05/01/2021 20:30 Alexandre Souza wrote:
> Please, when complaining about serial port errors here, put the number of
> your serial port in the message. I BELIEVE there is a bug on serial port
> handling above com10...
Please forget about .csv files and just work with .img files in ther Chirp
editor screen.
Saves all manner of problems.
> On 06/01/2021 08:31 bwmo...@slidesnmoore.com wrote:
> Yes, I am a wet-behind-the-ears Chirp user. I have read and studied the
> FAQ, WIKI, and documentation.
Chirp does NOT support any DMR radios.
> On 11/01/2021 23:00 Scott Carrier wrote:
> Does chirp not support these DMR radios? Thx
> ___ chirp_users mailing list
> chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com
> http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman
What frequencies/repeaters are you wanting it programmed for?
> On 09/02/2021 19:34 zeb doz wrote:
> Hello everyone! I am a complete noob to jam radio, what I have is a baofeng
> iv 5 r, now I have gone and got CHIRP and I think I have programmed it but
> how do I know for sure?
> S
> On 12/02/2021 14:33 Joe Waugh wrote:
> Will Chirp work on Yaesu FT70 DR and do you need special cable to hook up ?
> ___
> chirp_users mailing list
> chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com
> http://intrepid.danplanet.com/mailman/listinfo
Which model radio?
> On 20/02/2021 23:54 Bennie Potgieter wrote:
> Morning
> Nead assistance..want to program a Kirisun radio,but Chirp doent have the
> make in its program,is there a nother radio model I can use to read and
> program the kirisun?
> Thank you
Kirisun radios are all DMR. Chirp doesn't do DMR radios.
> On 20/02/2021 23:54 Bennie Potgieter wrote:
> Morning
> Nead assistance..want to program a Kirisun radio,but Chirp doent have the
> make in its program,is there a nother radio model I can use to read and
> program
If Chirp is properly screen reader complient on Linux but not on Windows or
MACOS then I suggest you contact Microsoft and Apple and ask them to make their
screen readers more complient with the open standard used by your Linux screen
> On 21/02/2021 03:54 Eric Oyen via chirp_users
der interface nulls that whole Chirp should
> > meet MS/Apple API's. Sorry but they either need to cut
> > bait or get off the dock.
> >
> > On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 7:54 AM Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
> > mailto:ni...@ngunn.net > wrote:
> >
I've never set repeater delay. I would suggest you both need better antennas.
You don't say which band.
> On 28/02/2021 18:30 ken hartmann <115ir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My buddy and I just purchased baofeng uv5r radios, we have them
> programmed using chirp, we were trying to hit
Rugged doesn't seem to list an RM-60 on their website.
What other radio does it LOOK like. It's obviously a something that's been
> On 17/03/2021 02:48 Luis Tiscareno wrote:
> searched the site and scoured google, but came up with nothing. Apologies
> in advance for my
If the radio's not responding, then there's no data to capture so no tool
> On 18/03/2021 14:28 Mike Allred wrote:
> If there is a free and easy to use tool that I could use to capture that info
> while using the OEM software, I’d be glad to do so.
> > On Mar 18, 2021, at 11:
OK. Misunderstood.
> On 18/03/2021 14:46 Jim Unroe wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 2:44 PM Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
> wrote:
> >
> > If the radio's not responding, then there's no data to capture so no tool
> > needed.
> >
I think the csv export only includes fields that are common to all radios. As
not all radios support cross mode, it isn't included. CSV only includes basic
> On 19/03/2021 20:32 Craig Hayes via chirp_users
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I cannot figure out how to have the
The best way is not to use CSV files at all.
> On 23/03/2021 02:08 Eric Oyen via chirp_users
> wrote:
> One good way I have found to edit CsV files is to use a spreadsheet
> program like Microsoft excel or one of the linux free variants. Simply import
> as a cSV, do your editing,
much easier to make changes in a spreadsheet program outside of Chirp and
> import them after the changes were made, so I would call that, the better way.
> Glenn
> - Original Message -
> From: Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF mailto:ni...@ngunn.net
> To: Eric
> > (D.J.J. Ring, Jr.)
> >4. Help - Programing ICOM handheld IC-2GXET and IC-T7E (Allan
> > Carson)
> >5. Re: I get an "unknown file format
7zzt Eric
> > > On Mar 23, 2021, at 8:37 AM, Glenn K0LNY
> mailto:glenner...@cableone.net > wrote:
> > Well from the perspective of a screenreader user, I find editing
> > things much easier to make changes in a spreads
Which country are you in?
> On 25/03/2021 16:23 zeb doz wrote:
> Hello everyone! Where online or what book can I get a good study guide so
> that I may obtain my license
chirp_users mailing list
Think the chip is emulated by the processor in the radio. The cable is a str8
USB cable.
> On 26/03/2021 20:56 Lawrence Underwood wrote:
> Do you know where I can download a driver? Is it a FTDI cable or some sort?
> > On Mar 26, 2021, at 7:54 PM, Jim Unroe wrote:
> >
> > On
Don't ask. You'll be inundated with people telling you that it's illegal to set
up a BF UV-5 to transmit on MURS and GMRS frequencies.
> On 27/03/2021 21:20 Christopher Arthur wrote:
> I am setting up a number of BF UV-5 for a mixed batch of ham-licensed and
> non-licensed users
Install the flatpak version.
The latest was in the danplanet repository and not the debian repository but
not sure that is being updated any longer.
> On 31/03/2021 16:59 D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> Hello List,
> I'm confused.
> I have added the sources for Chirp dail
to uninstall don't
> seem to work, or the current flatpak is the 2020 version.
> 73
> DR
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 5:51 PM Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
> mailto:ni...@ngunn.net > wrote:
> > > Install the flatpak versi
id of it? Normal ways of using flatpak to uninstall don't
> seem to work, or the current flatpak is the 2020 version.
> 73
> DR
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 5:51 PM Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
> mailto:ni...@ngunn.net > wrote:
> > &
BTECH UV-5X3 possibly.
> On 05/04/2021 16:14 Milton via chirp_users
> wrote:
> My 1st time to post. Be gentle please?
> I have a new, Baofeng UV5R A3 Triband HT, (2m/220/70cm).
> What software covers this model? I've tried the UV-5R software, but it won't
> let me enter a 220 MHz freq wit
Usually /dev/ttyUSB0 unless you already have another serial device already
plugged in to a USB port.
Go to file manager and look in /dev/ and see what appears and disappears when
you plun in and unplug the cable.
> On 06/04/2021 17:34 Robert via chirp_users
> wrote:
> Hello,
> Total
nverter now
> disconnected from ttyUSB0
> [10670.495576] usb 1-1.1.3: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to
> ttyUSB0
> Kindly,
> Robert
> . .. ... ‘...^,^
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Tuesday, April 6th, 2021 at
It's pure twaddle.
> On 06/04/2021 18:33 Tony Ling wrote:
> As an aside, what is the basis for this 'radio at maximum volume', 'no active
> channel' advice based on.
> It sounds bizarre to me as a hardware guy.
chirp_users mailing list
Like most?
I can pretty well guarrentee that there are far more copies of Linux working
throughout the world than there are MS Windows.
You probably have several copies in use.
> On 06/04/2021 19:24 Al Jones wrote:
> It appears as if we have a computer newbie on our hands since he's looki
You're not going to do that using any connector normally provided on the radio.
You can send the data out of the computer through a serial port but it will
need to go directly into the modulator or VFO on the radio. There are special
data radios available but most amateur transceivers won't do it
On receive, audio DSP takes audio from the receiver's detector and possibly
feeds it back into the audio stages.
On transmit, the DSP gets it's audio from your microphone and feeds the
processed audio directly into the radio's modulator.
In both cases, you bypass any audio processing within the
ble frequencies. I guess the info transmitted
> > must go through the mic input and out the spk jack, as those are the
> > only jacks in my handheld. But I really thought that data transmission
> > was possible. Oh dear, much more to research.
> >
> > Kindly,
If you're going to use a software defined radio (SDR) then the "software" that
dedines the radio's functions is DSP, carried out at RF or IF frequency. Ideal
if you want to implement your own modulation schemes.
> On 07/04/2021 18:29 Robert Withers via chirp_users
> wrote:
> Actually, j
You'll need to show us the complete csv with all the empty fields.
> On 13/04/2021 21:43 Jerry s wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m a new user of CHIRP. I hooked my radio to my Mac and had no problems
> reading the config and exporting it to a .csv file. I then updated the .csv
> file as per t
The radio appears to be a Leixen VV898S.
It is supported by Chirp.
> On 16/04/2021 16:37 Roger E Parsons wrote:
> I am looking to use CHIRP to program a HYS TC-G25W backpack radio, but I do
> not see it in the list of supported radios. If there a clone that I can use?
> 73's
> Rog
You need to be a member of the dialout group to access the USB port.
As you've noticed, the /dev/ttyUSB0 device has the group of dialout. All you
need to do is add the second user to the dialout group:
sudo adduser second_user dialout
second_user will need to log out & log back in again for thi
I would guess that you're using a cable who's USB/SERIAL chip isn't recognised
by Ubuntu. What chip is in the cable?
> On 10/05/2021 10:54 Roger Reeves M0ROJ wrote:
> Still having problems getting my Yaesu FTM-3207D to connect with CHIRP-daily,
> using Ubuntu Linux 20.04.
> The connectio
You download and install the new version. No need to uninstall the old version.
>From a terminal try:
sudo flatpak install {filename}
> On 13/05/2021 19:21 Steve Owens via chirp_users
> wrote:
> One more shot here. I initially downloaded and (somehow) installed the
> flatpak version. It
The Chirp website doesn't say that your radio is supported.
> On 13/05/2021 22:59 Joshua Harper wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a Tidradio TD-F9GP and I am attempting to program channels on the
> Chirp application on my MacBook Pro. I am running on macOS High Sierra
> version 10.13.6 an
Comments field shouldn't matter. It's not written to the radio.
Try not to use CSV. Do everything with .img files and the Chirp editor.
> On 21/05/2021 15:06 Leverett A.J. 'Jim' Hadlow Sr
> wrote:
> Programming a Baofeng BFF8-HP:
> I noticed when the Comments field is populated, I am un
Why did you install the latest version when your old version was working
Looks as though you broke something by tampering with it.
> On 24/05/2021 11:17 Ceferino Lamb wrote:
> For months, I've been successfully cloning GT-3TPs for our own use and UV5Rs
> for friends.
> Suddenl
nplanet.com> wrote:
On 2021-05-24 09:24, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
Why did you install the latest version when your old version was
working perfectly?
Looks as though you broke something by tampering with it.
It doesn't seem to be a priority. Is there really any desparate need?
> On 02/06/2021 21:51 Mark Coulter wrote:
> I hope this is the right place to ask this.
> Is there a timeline for getting Chirp-daily working on python3?
> 73's
> Mark
> __
Please read previous posts. This get's asked and answered nearly every day.
> On 06/06/2021 23:01 Gerald Stein wrote:
> I’m new to Chirp software. The equipment I’m using is a Yaesu FT 60 and a
> windows 10 laptop. I acquired the cable sometime ago, but haven’t used it
> until recently.
Works for me under Linux and Windows, HOWEVER, Chirp doesn't include digital
(Fusion) as a valid mode so you're lefy with analogue FM only.
The Yaesu Windows software works OK but doesn't allow for the programming of
Wires-X faciliries.
> On 08/07/2021 15:55 Charles Beaudette via chirp_users
Chirp you download from
Can't send you the file as you didn't say which computer OS you were using.
To use GMRS, all of those users NOT in your immediate family (and you) will
need to apply for a GMRS license from the FCC. GMRS is only f
back from you!
> Steve
> >> On Jul 13, 2021, at 2:05 PM, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
> >> wrote:
> > Chirp you download from
> > here:https://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/chirp_daily/LATEST/
> > Can't send you the file as you didn't say
pposed to trying to program them on our own.
> >
> > Is this something that you might be able to help us with? I can get the
> > channels programmed into the repeater from myGMR.com or I’ll see them for
> > myself on Friday!
> > Thanks again, hope to hear ba
ty is that there are a
> multitude of different radios which all can be programmed using the same
> source. It works beautifully. There are instructions about how to use CSV
> properly on the wiki.
> Cheers
> Bernhard AE6YN
> On 13-Jul-21 14:01, Nigel A. Gunn
Can't be done unless he has a full version on Linux running on the Chromebook.
> On 12/08/2021 00:10 Chad Reed wrote:
> Hello. I have a friend who would like to install chirp on his chromebook
> laptop. He is running into some roadblocks. Can you offer some assistance
> that I could pass
outon. Nigel, why can't CHIRP run under Crostini. which is Debian, if the OP has a Crostini cable Chromebook? I might try that just to find out.
Pat Anderson
On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 5:37 AM Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF <ni...@ngu
Doesn't have to be switched off when you connect it. Mine never are.
> On 19/08/2021 12:45 Eric Chopin wrote:
> However to get CHIRP to see the radio either in the 'Download from radio'
> or 'Upload to radio' ... with the cable plugged in to my PC or my MAC, the
> radio must
When you go to use Chirp or go to install Chirp?
> On 20/08/2021 16:00 Robert Bruner wrote:
> You should be able to click through to the unsafe, a couple more clicks, and
> end up at "download anyway" or "undelete", something to that effect. It's all
> right there in the download message
You are the one that subscribed. You are the one that needs to remove you.
Nobody will do it for you.
Instructions are at the bottom of every email.
> On 23/08/2021 10:12 Dan Brightwell wrote:
> Remove me from your mailing list.
Find someone at your local club that uses Chirp and ask for a demonstration.
> On 25/08/2021 12:22 Donald Henderickx wrote:
> Hello: I am using win 10>
> I have loaded the chirp program and have registered and I am able to log
> in. Then nothing happens. I find the radio I want
I just use a root text editor but I'm sure that's not what you're really asking.
If the repository isn't signed, add [trusted=yes] as a switch just before the
repository name. e.g.
deb [trusted=yes] http://ppa.launchpad.net/gpredict-team/ppa/ubuntu bionic main
> On 08/09/2021 12:19 D.J.J. Ring, J
different PPA.
> Maybe the gpredict-team PPA should be given instead?
> 73
> DR
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2021, 13:35 Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
> > I just use a root text editor but I'm sure that's not what you're really
> > askin
It's not an error, it's just a warning that the repository doesn't have a
security key.
Just ignore it. That's the reason for the [trusted=yes] bit.
> On 08/09/2021 14:58 D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> Nigel,
> How do I get rid of this error?
> W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net/g
That helps!
> > >
> > > This page:
> > >
> > > https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Running_Under_Linux
> > >
> > > had:
> > >
> > > sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dansmith/chirp-snapshots
> > >
> > &
For future updates just download and reinstall the new flatpak.
Generally no need to update unless the changes affect your radios.
> On 08/09/2021 17:43 D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> To summarize installing Chirp using flatpak in Debian:
> If you are using GNOME Desktop environment, install
Chirp is just fine for most users.
If you're having problems then don't use Apple hardware.
There's always RTSystems offerings at $50 per radio type.
I'm sometimes seeing Chirp updates daily. That sounds like support.
The other problems are with Apple not liking software that they haven't
Doesn't Windows come with an inbuilt virus protection program?
> On 21/09/2021 09:47 Kerry Whittle wrote:
> Thanks Nick, will do! I'm considering getting a better virus detection
> program sooner rather than later though.
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2021, 08:42 Nick wrote:
> >
> > Take the
Have you been to the Chirp website and put in a request and offered a radio?
> On 04/10/2021 15:55 Patrick Larkin Jr wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Any plans to add support for
> Radioddity GM-30 (aka TIDRADIO TD-H5), or the following Wouxun GMRS radios:
> KG-935G, KG-XS20G, KG-UV9G, KG-1000G?
To unsubscribe, send an email to chirp_users-unsubscr...@intrepid.danplanet.com
> On 04/10/2021 17:09 ct...@cox.net wrote:
> Sorry to bother, does anyone know how I might remove myself from the
> continuous e-mail thread traffic? I believe I selected an option when signing
> up that I had
Thanks Patrick.
Chirp is kept going by a small number of volunteers who can only include radios
thet they have available. New radios are not necessarily added automatically.
The proceedure for new radios is to log on to the Chirp website (you have to
create an account on the website) and, if it h
Of course his question shown a lack of understanding or he wouldn't have needed
to ask a question. We can't all be as knowlegable as you.
Although the .img file contains a memory dump from the radio, there must be
some commonality between img files or it wouldn't be possible to import an img
Doubt it. 16 channels isn't enough for GMRS or FRS.
> On 26/10/2021 14:28 Al Jones wrote:
> With the built in antenna, no keyboard, I'd bet it's one of the new FCC
> approved (though they don't say that) radios that you can't do much
> with.
> -- Original Message --
> From: "J
You should be adding the Dan Smith repository, not the Ubuntu repository.
On 13/12/2021 14:20 K0LNY wrote:
I booted to a copy of Ubuntu Mate that I have on a thumb drive so I can install Chirp.
I've don
Digital radios may be supported but often the support doesn't include the
digital modes supported by that radio.
> On 19/12/2021 15:25 Jeff K3JRZ wrote:
> Actually,digital radios ARE supported by CHIRP.
chirp_users mailing list
MS Excel can corrupt your file. Use Libre Office or Open Office.
> On 19/12/2021 18:12 Ken Hansen wrote:
> I'm no expert, but I recently read that MS Excel cannmodify CSV file formats
> rendering them - how did you modify the file, what program did you use?
> Ken, N2VIP
> > On Dec
Follow this proceedure to request new models:
Go to https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Home and register/log in.
Select New Issue from menu bar and New Model from Tracker field.
Submit the form.
> On 21/12/2021 19:54 Jefferson Tindoy wrote:
> __
> On Wed, 22 Dec 2021, 03:15 Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF, wrote:
> > Follow this proceedure to request new models:
> >
> > Go to https://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Home and
> > register/log in.
> > Select New Issue from menu bar and New Model fro
It's there if you look. Google found it.
Tone Modes in CHIRP
An empty Memory.tmode means that no tone is transmitted or received
A Memory.tmode of "Tone" means that the radio will transmit a singl
Ditch Win 7. It runs better on Win 10.
> On 18/01/2022 12:27 Chuck OConnor wrote:
> The last two daily builds won't execute as In get an error message ?unable to
> verify". I have never had this problem prior to these two builds. I'm running
> windows 7 under 10. Any ideas?
> ___
Works fine on both Win 10 and Win 11 but not in Mode S. You'll have tpo take
the Surface out of Mode S first.
> On 20/01/2022 21:54 Kelly McGuire wrote:
> I’m trying to help my boyfriend’s Dad pick out a laptop that he can install
> CHIRP on and needed to know whether the Microsoft Surfa
Works fine with Win 11.
> On 20/01/2022 22:10 robert decker wrote:
> stay with windows 10, the program works with 10 but no information about
> windows 11 compatibility.
> Bob K7bd
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 6:54 PM Kelly McGuire
> wrote:
> > I’m trying to help my boyfriend’s Dad
Windows mode S has NOTHING to do with Chromebooks. Not a single similarity.
Mode S just means that all apps/programms must come from the Microsoft store.
You can always swith off mode S.
> On 20/01/2022 22:18 George Hale Jr. wrote:
> I was told the windows S mode, is basically a chromebook
You don't have to FORCE anything. It runs fine on both Win 10 and Win 11.
> On 20/01/2022 22:23 Dan Berry wrote:
> You might be able to force it into windows 10 compatible by right clicking on
> the icon and changing how it behaves in the settings. You can do that in many
> of the windows
Chirp's fine with USB C ports.
> On 20/01/2022 22:28 Dave KG6ZJO wrote:
> Not a windows expert, but from what I read the "S" mode is quickly & easily
> turned off. No problem.
> In S mode, you can only install apps from the Microsoft App Store. So most
> people turn that off on the first
I answered that.
Chirp is not in the Microsoft app store and therefore will not install in S
> On 23/01/2022 09:15 Nicola Jayne Hodson wrote:
> and you have not answered the question
> this OPs question was about S mode - and the answer to that depends on
> whether Chirp and s
> >
> >When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> >than "Re: Contents of chirp_users digest..."
> >
> >
> >Today's Topics:
> >
> >1. Re: Windows 10 and 11 S Mode (Nicola Jayne Hodson)
That's because Chirp doesn't support digital modes.
Same with the Yaesu FT-70 support.
However, if you program DN using Yaesu's software or the buttons, Chirp doesn't
delete it.
> On 02/02/2022 03:15 Dave Henn wrote:
> Hello All
> Just installed the latest Daily Build to use with FTM
And your post is just political spam and nothing to do with Chirp.
> On 02/02/2022 18:05 Galen Thurber wrote:
> I call to disavow the logistical & equipment, financial support that
> associate VA6LM Leslie Thomas Michaelson of EDMONTON, is providing to the
> illegal protest, Ottawa occupa
EditCP is as good as it gets if you buy a compatible radio.
Chirp will likely never fully support digital voice mode radios.
> On 18/02/2022 13:22 Patrick Larkin Jr wrote:
> I'm beginning to look into DMR radios, and so far none are listed on the
> compatible radios list. Is this a general
Tried the manufacturer's website?
> On 18/02/2022 19:54 White Ranger wrote:
> does anyone know if CHIRP will support the new baofeng AR-152? or perhaps
> know where to find software?
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 1:26 PM Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF
> wr
Amazon says FREE software can be download at FONGHOO official website.
> On 19/02/2022 19:52 TW wrote:
> Hi, does anybody know if there is an existing radio profile that will
> work to program the Fonghoo HAM-UV25? I have tried Fonghoo's support,
> but they are non-responsive. Thanks!
Nothing to do with Chirp. The radio's firmware doesn't allow them to be
> On 23/02/2022 12:44 Chris Romp wrote:
> Thanks, Jim, for that info. I've reached out to Retevis to see if
> they have any input. Would it basically be a requirement for CHIRP to
> support assigning any G
the OEM
> software behaves in the case of the RB26. I've since pulled down their
> (terrible) software and verified that, and emailed Retevis to ask why (not
> optimistic I'll get a useful response).
> Thanks,
> Chris KN6LEH
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2
Because many hams have a GMRS license?
> Why are hams playing in FCC controlled GMRS.. If you land on a GMRS repeater
> input
> I suspect FCC will be knocking on your door.
> Bob K7BD
chirp_users mailing list
Or program them into a legal radio.
> On 16/03/2022 12:51 Andreas Führmann via chirp_users
> wrote:
> Hm…so I will have to program these channels manually.
> > Am 16.03.2022 um 13:25 schrieb Jim Unroe :
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 7:05 AM Andreas Führmann via chirp_users
> > wro
Surely if it's written in Python it should run on any processor/OS that runs
> On 21/03/2022 21:52 Jim Unroe wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 9:30 PM Cinaed Simson wrote:
> >
> > Hi - I'm attempting to install
> >
> > chirp-daily-20220308.flatpak
> >
> > on an arm64 cpu runnin
No. Chirp works fine with Yaesu radios. Never heard of a genuine case of Chirp
bricking a radio.
> On 25/03/2022 17:46 K0LNY_Glenn wrote:
> Is this correct?
> - Original Message -
> From: Anthony R Paolucci Jr mailto:anthonyfr...@gmail.com
> To: K0LNY_Glenn mailto:glenn@ervin.e
> FTM-7250DR
> FT-991
> I see in supported radios, that these are listed:
> FTM-3100 (use FTM-3200D selection)
> FTM-3200D
> I don't know if FTM-3200D is different than FTM-3200DR
> Could you help unconfuse me, I don't know much about Ya
00 (use FTM-3200D selection)
> FTM-3200D
> I don't know if FTM-3200D is different than FTM-3200DR
> Could you help unconfuse me, I don't know much about Yaesu digital radios.
> Thank you,
> 73
> David N1EA
> On Fri, Mar 25,
> Glenn, K0LNY and the rest of us now have a clear answer. CHIRP cannot read or
> write to the digital channels!
> Fabulous!
> 73
> David
> N1EA
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2022, 10:47 PM Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF mailto:ni...@ngunn.net > wrot
You tried the Baofeng website or the company you bought it from?
Useful hint: Find the software BEFORE choosing the radio.
> On 28/03/2022 15:45 White Ranger wrote:
> does anyone know what CHIRP baofeng SW will most effectively program the
> Baofeng AR-152?
> https://www.avast.com/sig
You're obviously going to be an unlicensed/illegal user of those radios. Don't
expect help here, unless it to help you get a license. > On 20/04/2022 13:41
anthony farley wrote:
> Hello, so me and my neighbor just got the 2 way baofeng-uv5F radios and we
> got it to where we
When you switch the radio back on it comes up on which ever channels it was
displaying when you switched it off.
> On 16/05/2022 09:32 Ken Hansen wrote:
> I just scanned the UV-5R manual and could find no mention of such a 'feature'
> or 'setting', I suspect this is something enabled in
The FT-60 seems very critical of the cable used to connect computer to radio.
Works fine with the genuine Yaesu cable.
> On 22/05/2022 13:47 D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> What operating system are you using? Windows, Mac, Linux?
> I had that problem (or similar) with Linux, I used a
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