Re: [chirp_users] Radio request

2019-04-15 Thread John La
. . If it's not in the Supported Radios list, it's possible a request hasn't been submitted. Here's the request process. The official CHIRP website is: Here's the procedure for requesting a new radio... If you would like to ope

Re: [chirp_users] Yaesu 3200D and RT Systems cable problem

2019-07-26 Thread John La
Is it possible the RT cable is proprietary to their software only? John K3NXU -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jan Ditzian Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 8:27 PM To: chirp_us

Re: [chirp_users] Yaesu 3200D and RT Systems cable problem

2019-07-26 Thread John La
Good to know, Nigel. Thank you. John K3NXU From: Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF [] Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 12:59 PM To: Discussion of CHIRP; John La Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Yaesu 3200D and RT Systems cable problem No, but their software only

Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-82HP Programming Issues (MacOS Mojave 10.14.5)

2019-07-26 Thread John La
This may assist. John K3NXU From: [] On Behalf Of Michael E. Jaggers Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 11:24 AM To:

Re: [chirp_users] Need help

2019-09-14 Thread John La
Are you getting any error messages in the process? John K3NXU -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jim Unroe Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2019 4:56 PM To: D

Re: [chirp_users] Rs: setting up a uv-5ra via Chirp

2019-10-15 Thread John La
Refer to the guides and examples at the bottom of This may assist. John K3NXU From: [] On Behalf Of Steve Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 3:

Re: [chirp_users] FW: Problem with cloning to my radio

2019-11-05 Thread John La
Joshua, You appear to have mismatched firmware between radios (even with the same model number). This is not uncommon. You must do a Download from Radio from the second radio to create a new template for that radio. Then copy paste the channels from one template to the other. John

Re: [chirp_users] Port selection on laptop

2019-12-29 Thread John La
If you are using windows, go to device manager and verify the port assigned to the cable is active. If you are using a generic cable with a Prolific chip, you may need to download an earlier driver. Refer to this driver page. John K3NXU www.m

Re: [chirp_users] Chirp and DM-5R Programming

2020-01-14 Thread John La
As the two cable Look basically identical, search for a programming cable for an RD-5R, DM-5R, DM-1701 or DM-1801. These are all compatible with the radio DM-5R. John K3NXU From: [mai

Re: [chirp_users] Error-radio did not respond

2020-02-01 Thread John La
Here is a list of error messages and solutions that may assist. John K3NXU -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Mark Ross Sent: Saturday, February 1, 2020

Re: [chirp_users] PC

2020-05-05 Thread John La
This link may assist. Section 6 has Guides, definitions and examples. From: [] On Behalf Of Dennis Wage Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 9:21 AM To: Discussion of CHIRP Subjec

Re: [chirp_users] Baojie BJ318

2020-07-24 Thread John La
. . If it's not in the Supported Radios list, it's possible a request hasn't been submitted. Here's the request process. The official CHIRP website is: Here's the procedure for requesting a new radio... If you would l

Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-9r plus cable issues

2020-08-24 Thread John La
Here is a list of Common Error Messages Stay safe and Stay healthy. John K3NXU -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jeremiah Williams via chirp_users S

Re: [chirp_users] Copy chanels

2020-10-28 Thread John La
. Their ad on AliExpress is a bit confusing. They refer to it as a: Baofeng BF-V8 Two Way Ham Mini Radio Handheld uhf Radios High Power Dual Band hf Transceiver. My best guess is it's a BF888S 16 channel UHF. Try doing a 'Download from Radio' using the BF888S selection. If it downloads oka

Re: [chirp_users] chirp does not recognize my wouxun KG-UV3D HT

2020-11-05 Thread John La
Hi Boyd, If it's not in the Supported Radios list, it's possible a request hasn't been submitted. Here's the request process. The official CHIRP website is: Here's the procedure for requesting a new radio... If you wo

Re: [chirp_users] baofeng uv-5x3 not able to program

2020-11-17 Thread John La
Greg, There is an incompatibility issue between data files. You may not be able to upload this file directly to your radio. When transferring a data file from another radio try this. - Perform a 'Download from Radio' from your 5X3 to create an New Template using the BTech 5X3 option. -

Re: [chirp_users] baofeng uv-5x3 not able to program

2020-11-17 Thread John La
ubject: Re: [chirp_users] baofeng uv-5x3 not able to program Got it! Thanks.Will do Greg KB9QQi From: On Behalf Of John La Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 12:59 PM To: 'Discussion of CHIRP' Subject: Re: [chirp_users] baofeng uv-5x3

Re: [chirp_users] chirp_users Digest, Vol 146, Issue 9

2021-02-09 Thread John La
Here are a few links that may assist. The ins and outs of a UV5R. And CHIRP At the bottom are CHIRP guides and examples. Enjoy your new toy. J Stay safe and healthy. John K3NXU From:

Re: [chirp_users] Uv5r question

2021-02-28 Thread John La
Ken, Here are a few links that may assist with the UV5R: FAQ Antennas UV5R (general) I hope these assist. Stay safe and healthy. John K3NXU From: [mailto:

Re: [chirp_users] Support for Radioddity GS-5B?

2021-03-29 Thread John La
Andy, If it's not in the Supported Radios list, it's possible a request hasn't been submitted. Here's the request process. Here's the procedure for requesting a new radio... If you would like to open a request, you would need to - Go to the CHIRP website. - Register to th

Re: [chirp_users] GT-3TP, suddenly cannot connect to radios, W10 v1903

2021-05-28 Thread John La
I had this happen with a driver for one of my DMR radios. After months of successful use, the software stopped updating. I found that Win10 updated the driver to one it thought was better. Using ‘Device Manager’, I selected Update Driver and selected ‘Pick your Own Driver’ from the list. Sure en

Re: [chirp_users] using chirp for first time.

2021-06-05 Thread John La
Here are a few links that may assist: Error Messages: Drivers: Stay safe and healthy. John K3NXU From: [] On B

Re: [chirp_users] using chirp for first time.

2021-06-05 Thread John La
Oops, bad links. J From: [] On Behalf Of John La Sent: Saturday, June 5, 2021 11:25 AM To: 'Discussion of CHIRP' Subject: Re: [chirp_users] using chirp for first time. Here are a few link

Re: [chirp_users] How do I ensure that I don't TX on a memory slot? Baofeng UV-5RX3

2021-06-23 Thread John La
Section 6 of tis link will direct you to Guides and Examples for CHIRP. Stay safe and healthy. John K3NXU On Jun 23, 2021, at 4:46 AM, Geordon Shoshin VanTassle wrote: I thought I saw somethi

Re: [chirp_users] Help with new radio

2021-06-27 Thread John La
That message indicates an issue with the driver and cable, not the software. Stay safe and healthy. John 'Miklor' K3NXU From: [] On Behalf Of Thomas Wi

Re: [chirp_users] Setting offset between Tx & Rx

2021-06-28 Thread John La
Section 6 of this link shows Guides and Examples. Stay safe and healthy. John 'Miklor' K3NXU From: [] On Behalf Of Robert Withers (KO4PYS) via chirp_users

Re: [chirp_users] UV 5R

2021-07-05 Thread John La
It could be either, depending on the model. UV5R, UV82 = 5W F8HP, UV82HP = 7>8W Receivers are all basically the same. Stay safe and healthy. John K3NXU From: [] On Behalf Of Bennie

Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng UV-10R

2021-07-05 Thread John La
If your download is not successful, let me suggest these links. Stay safe and healthy. John 'Miklor' From: [] On Behalf Of Chad Reed

Re: [chirp_users] Port recognition issue

2021-08-18 Thread John La
When you plug in a card reader, F: is the Drive number. This is totally unrelated to the Com Port. You need to open Device Manager on your computer. See attached Stay safe and healthy. John 'Miklor' K3NXU WQVJ811 From: [mailto:chirp_use

Re: [chirp_users] Wouxun UV9D MATE transmit range

2021-09-01 Thread John La
To meet the new FCC certification restrictions, new ham models are internally locked to ham bands only. Not sure CHIRP can change that if it’s locked in the firmware. Stay safe and healthy. John 'Miklor' K3NXU From: [mailt

Re: [chirp_users] Can't transmit freqs above 147.975

2021-10-06 Thread John La
If this is a newer UV5R, it is restricted to only the ham bands, per the new FCC guidelines for import to the US. This is a firmware restriction of the radio that CHIRP cannot alter. 144-148 and 420-450 MHz transmit only. Stay safe and healthy. John K3NXU

Re: [chirp_users] Th-9800D

2021-12-04 Thread John La
. . If it's not in the Supported Radios list, it's possible a request hasn't been submitted. Here's the request process. The official CHIRP website is: Here's the procedure for requesting a new radio... If you would

Re: [chirp_users] What is wrong here?

2022-06-06 Thread John La
When you say there is no voice on the carrier when using a repeater, are to listening to the signal from your radio or from the repeater. If you are listening to your repeaters output, you are probably experiencing what is referred to as Desense . While your monitoring radio is listening to the

Re: [chirp_users] IMG File Request

2022-08-07 Thread John La
CHIRP is very specific. Only use the file for a BTech UV-5X3 (see attached) I also attached a copy of my image file for a BTech 5X3. This should get you going. Stay safe and healthy. John 'Miklor' K3NXU -Original Message- From: [mailto:chirp_

Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-01-02 Thread John La
Dan, I put this reference together over the weekend. I can enhance it if you think necessary. John -Original Message- From: [mailto:chirp_users-boun...@intrepid.d

Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-01-03 Thread John La
This may assist. The download link can be found here. John From: [] On Behalf Of ken hartmann Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 3:26 PM To: Discussion of CHIRP Subject: Re

Re: [chirp_users] Possible Virus

2023-01-06 Thread John La
I am using Windows Defender and MalwareBytes and neither flags CHIRP. Norton has been known to flag as a false positive. John -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of g7jiq1 Sent: Friday, January

Re: [chirp_users] New chirp-next build

2023-02-19 Thread John La
. . If your model is not currently in the Supported Radios list, it's possible a request hasn't been submitted. Here's the request procedure for CHIRP-next. The official CHIRP website is: Here's the procedure for requesting a