Hello users and devs.
I recently acquired some new radios. These are definitely for the prepper set
(as I am one besides being a ham).
The radio is the Retevus H-777 and it’s little brother, the H-777s. Both are
programmable using a standard 2 pin kenwood style programming cable. I recently
Hello Eric,
You con program your Retevis H777 and H777s with chirp just selecting
Baofeng BF-888 radio.
Chirp is available for Windows and OS X platforms at
Best regards
El dom, 21 feb 2021 a las 9:55, Eric Oyen via chirp_users (<
Unfortunatelly I only use linux, but somebody will help you :)
Best regards.
El dom, 21 feb 2021 a las 11:39, Eric Oyen ()
> Ok, that’s new info. thanks.
> However, I have tried Chirp on both Windows and OS X platforms and the
> program just won’t work with any of the available scree
If Chirp is properly screen reader complient on Linux but not on Windows or
MACOS then I suggest you contact Microsoft and Apple and ask them to make their
screen readers more complient with the open standard used by your Linux screen
> On 21/02/2021 03:54 Eric Oyen via chirp_users
I think that this is one that the proprietary folks could take a
lesson from Open Source, I know several people who use
Chirp on Linux for the open screen reader interface. I think it
is time that those two groups stump up and write code that
will use the open API rather than force the Chirp coders
Actually, that is not a bad idea all things considered. An open API that is
standard regardless of OS would make life a lot easier for both the coders and
users. Unfortunately, try convincing both Apple and Microsoft of this. Perhaps
something like the UEFI consortium might work to get this to h
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OASIS_(organization) did it with open document
formats. I think Microsoft joined that one with the 2007 issue of MS Office so
therer's still hope.
> On 21/02/2021 13:11 Eric Oyen via chirp_use
sun radio,but Chirp doent have the
> make in its program,is there a nother radio model I can use to read and
> program the kirisun?
> Thank you
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