Is there a manual I can read to understand the details/nuances for using Chirp?
I am trying to import a few lines of detail from an open tab in chirp (Repeater
list) into a different open tab that is the current IMG file for my radio. I
have tried to copy (Control/C) and paste (CTL/V) and that d
Hi Rich,
On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 11:08 AM wrote:
> Is there a manual I can read to understand the details/nuances for using
> Chirp? I am trying to import a few lines of detail from an open tab in chirp
> (Repeater list) into a different open tab that is the current IMG file for my
> radio.
I want to have my baofeng and Kenwood to comunicate on thw same chanels
(Baoffeng chanels), as the kenwood is only VHF.
Can someone help me wit step by step or screenshots to help me in this
please Im not that big on the programming everyday.
Thank you
When I looked at the details, I realized all of the frequencies I was trying
to copy were DIG mode. Thanks for pointing out that distinction. Is there a
Chirp manual?
Rich Kramarik
-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Jim Unroe
Sent: Wednesday,
On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 12:05 PM wrote:
> When I looked at the details, I realized all of the frequencies I was trying
> to copy were DIG mode. Thanks for pointing out that distinction. Is there a
> Chirp manual?
> Rich Kramarik
There is a "documentation" link on the CHIRP home page.