; Glenn At Home
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] changing a field
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Forget CSV. Do it in Chirp's editor.
On 09 March 2019 at 15:16 Glenn At Home
> In my Baofeng CSV file, one of the NOAA weather channels is showing "high
> instead of off for power.
> I tried to copy an off field from another power field and paste it into the
> problem field, but it did not work.
There is no column for "Power" in a CSV file. It only contains data
for sett
Hi Glenn,
To set channel Memory properties specific to your radio model,
right-click anywhere in the Memory line/row and select Properties.�
There is a "Power" pull-down menu at the bottom of the Memory Properties
To prevent TX entirely, set the Duplex field to "off".� This setting
Forget CSV. Do it in Chirp's editor.
> On 09 March 2019 at 15:16 Glenn At Home wrote:
> Hi,
> In my Baofeng CSV file, one of the NOAA weather channels is showing "high
> instead of off for power.
> I tried to copy an off field from another power field and paste it into
> the pro
In my Baofeng CSV file, one of the NOAA weather channels is showing "high
instead of off for power.
I tried to copy an off field from another power field and paste it into the
problem field, but it did not work.
What is the procedure for changing values like this?
This field is not available