Hey David,
I sincerely want to thank you for checking up on me and my radio issues. We
had some sudden out of town stuff to deal with on the last weekend. MIL had to
be moved from a 46 year residence to a “Seniors Apartment complex”. Man, what
to of stuff she’s accumulated over that amount of t
How did you make out. Scott?
On Sat, Mar 9, 2019, 01:28 D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> Download an img file from each radio and label it with the name of the
> radio.
> Do that first it's urgent.
> The read this: https://baofengtech.com/CHIRPImport
> I believe I used to export to c
Download an img file from each radio and label it with the name of the
Do that first it's urgent.
The read this: https://baofengtech.com/CHIRPImport
I believe I used to export to csv file, then download the radio I wanted to
program. I'd paste from the csv file into the img file.
I thi
You have helped me before when I needed it and was just learning to download
Chirp and, save it etc. And, to download and/or "clone" my old (sent back)
Baofeng UV-5R . I have a list of frequencies in a Chirp file and, would like
to upload them to a brand new UV-5R 8 watt radio I just rec