I’ve had the cable for a long time, but never really used it. As best I can
recall, it was a cheap cable. I’m inclined to just find a good replacement. Can
you recommend a good source for quality cables?
Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach
Thanks , I’ll try it.
Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the
Internet and they won't bother you for weeks, months, maybe years.
> On Jun 7, 2021, at 01:28, Mark Dixon wrote:
> Hi Jerry.
> A common cause for that problem
Hi Jerry.
A common cause for that problem is the cable having insufficient or
intermittent contact with the socket on the side of the radio. The
plastic around the socket on some radios and/or the plastic around the
connector pins on the cable is sometimes a bit to thick or irregular
making for a
Please read previous posts. This get's asked and answered nearly every day.
> On 06/06/2021 23:01 Gerald Stein wrote:
> I’m new to Chirp software. The equipment I’m using is a Yaesu FT 60 and a
> windows 10 laptop. I acquired the cable sometime ago, but haven’t used it
> until recently.
I’m new to Chirp software. The equipment I’m using is a Yaesu FT 60 and a
windows 10 laptop. I acquired the cable sometime ago, but haven’t used it until
recently. The build I am using is the most recent available. Here’s the
problem: I connected the radio to the laptop and uploaded the radio’s