. Teach a person to use the
Internet and they won't bother you for weeks, months, maybe years.
> On Jun 7, 2021, at 05:52, Gerald Stein wrote:
> Thanks , I’ll try it.
> Jerry
> +
> Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a pers
r connection - try squeezing the cable tightly into the
> side of the radio and maybe even holding it in while attempting the
> upload again (being careful not to squeeze PTT at the same time).
> Cheers, Mark Dixon
>> On 7/06/2021 11:01 am, Gerald Stein wrote:
I’m new to Chirp software. The equipment I’m using is a Yaesu FT 60 and a
windows 10 laptop. I acquired the cable sometime ago, but haven’t used it until
recently. The build I am using is the most recent available. Here’s the
problem: I connected the radio to the laptop and uploaded the radio’s